chapter eleven

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Everyone here is scared.

I looked at Patrick's guard that is laying on the floor dead. I looked over to Patrick who is now more alert, he is not saying anything but his facial expression says it all.

To say I am shocked is an understatement I had a feeling it was her but I didn't want to believe it because of Luciano but now everything makes a tremendous amount of sense.

I should've trusted my instincts, when I saw her for the second time at my club the way her and her friend reacted to everything was too perfect.

I rubbed my chin as I focused my eyes on her she looks absolutely stunning with her hair straightened. He curls are better but she is still beautiful, her eyes are very captivating.

What she said about Francis makes a lot of sense he has been doing mini attacks on everyone, the grandparents ball was definitely his way of signalling that he wants a war.

As of right now I still do not know her name, her mouth is moving and I think words are coming out of her mouth but every part of me is just focused on her looks.

She could easily pass for a lawyer or a business woman, she doesn't have any expression written on her face but from her body language and the energy she radiates you can easily know she is not one to play with.

I don't know how long she has been talking for but everyone is starting to pack up the their things making me look away from her, "All in favour of the kings plan say I" Matias asked.

"I" We all said in sync except for the king herself, I focused on her the whole time I don't even know what the plan is.

Everyone is talking to each other and about five of them walked up to me making me stand up, "I can't believe she killed his guard" Matias said.

Alfonzo walked up to me and picked up the file and package that was sitting in front of me on the table, "Well who would've known." He said as he smiled.

"What is this?" I asked referring to the things in his hands, he shook his head "You did not pay attention did you?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"I was focused on more important things" I said as he flipped through the file, "Well go talk to her and explain your choices" He said.

I looked at the kings spot to see it's empty, "Oh just bloody hell" I said which made him look at the seat and laugh. "Well you snooze then you lose" He said.

No way in hell am I losing her again.

"I will find her" I said as I looked around the room to see her short friend, "Study that and then give me a short summary" Alfonzo nodded then I walked away.

"I need to see her." I said which made her friend look up then turned around to see me, her smile slowly faded into a disgusted look.

"She doesn't want to see you" She said as she crossed her arms against her chest, obviously she told her friend about our most recent encounter at my house.

"He owes her an explanation" Alfonzo said as he walked next to me, she stared at Alfonzo who is smiling at her. "C'mon don't be like that" He said as he walked in front of her.

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