chapter seventeen

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"Look at you two"

Angelina smiled as she looked over to Alfonzo, "There are four seats in this car. Are we waiting for someone?" I asked.

"Yes you are. I have to go now but I will see you guys at the airport" She said as she high fived Alfonzo then wrapped her arms around me hugging me.

"Play nice" She said as she kissed me, I kissed her back then pulled away. "Play nice with who?" I asked as she blew me and kiss and closed the door.

After about three minutes someone opened the car door making Alfonzo pull out his gun aiming it at them.

They made theirselves comfortable as they took off their hat "Did not realize that we have a problem."
Christopher said making me shake my head.

Alfonzo lowered his gun as me and Christopher did our handshake. "Christopher." I said with a nod, "Nicolas Romano. Always a pleasure but today it is not." He said as the car began to drive.

"Hm and why is that?" I asked as he sighed, "Ny sister. My LITTLE sister was almost blown to bits, but she fine she was with you which is very weird." He said making me raise my eyebrows.

I looked over to Alfonzo who is suppressing his smile I shifted my gaze to Christopher who is glaring at the both of us.

"Yes. Your sister almost dying must make today terrible for you and as for her being with me. I and some questions about the meeting and it is her hotel, she was checking in." I said among him nod.

"So you wait until Thursday to ask questions about a meeting held on Saturday and she just happens to check on the one of her many hotels today of all days."

I rubbed my chin as I moved around in my seat starting to get aggravated. "If there is something you want to ask me. ask it. If there is something you want to say. say it." I said.

"Stay away from my sister. Nicolas I do not ask for you a lot, frankly I have never asked you for shit. But here I am asking you for this one thing." He said.

"Which is to stay away from your sister?" I asked as I nodded, "Yes. Literally all I am asking from you" He said making me sigh.

"No. I can't promise that neither will I even try to achieve that." I said as he stared at me and Alfonzo, he pulled out his gun which made me and Alfonzo pull out ours.

"This will not end well for you. Angelina is a strong and grown woman she can take care of herself meaning she can make her own decisions." Alfonzo said making Christopher look at him.

"She is still MY little sister and I am not letting him ruin her." He said making me stare at him, "Ruin? Is that what you think I do to women?" I asked.

"No that's what I know you do to women." He said making me scoff and shake my head, "Okay alright. Everyone lower their guns, Angelina is already upset she doesn't need blood in her car seats." Alfonzo said.

He slowly lowered his gun as I lowered mine "Jesus christ." Alfonzo said as he lowered his gun. My phone dinged and I grabbed it to see one of my clubs has been bombed just like Angelina's hotel.

"How the hell did a bomb even get into her hotel?" I asked Alfonzo, "Me and Alina left the room for like fifteen minutes so they had that opening."  He said as I gave him my phone.

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