chapter fifteen

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"Say it"

I sighed as I rubbed my face and reached for her arm which made her quickly yank it away from me. "Angelina-"

"No. I want you to say it." She said as she locked eyes with me. I stared at her as I rubbed my chin, why do I have to say it out loud if she knows it?

"I do not get what you want me to say." I said making her turn her whole body away from me, "I want you to say what you did." She said.

"Why do I have to-"

"Just say you slept with her." She said cutting me off, we both know that she knows I did sleep whatever that girls name is.

She just wants me to say it so she can run away seconds after I do say it.

I sighed as she turned herself to face me "I slept with her." I said as I put my hand sun my pockets and she just stared at me.

She began to nod slowly "The food was absolutely great Nicolas, goodbye." She said as she walked around me and left the balcony with me following behind her.

I tried to grab her hand which made her pull out a gun out of no where. "Do not fucking touch me." She said as she fired a shot barely missing my head but I did not flinch.

Her friend and Alfonzo ran into the bedroom "Angie? What's going on? What happened?" She asked as she walked closer to Angelina who has her gun aimed at my head with her finger on the trigger.

She slowly lowered it "No. Go back to whatever you were doing. I am going for a drive" She said as she walked out of the bedroom with everyone following after her.

She grabbed her bag and her phone as she walked over to the door, Alfonzo threw my car keys at me making me catch them without looking as she slammed the door behind her.

"What happened?" Alfonzo asked, "We will be back." I said. I walked out of the suite just as the elevator doors closed, I ran to the end of the hall and took the stairs all the way to the parking lot.

I looked around until I spotted a car that just started up, I walked in front of it to see she is inside. "Get out of the car." I said.

She flipped me off as she revved her engine as a sign for me to move, I unlocked my car which is not that far from hers. "I am not moving." I said.

She stared at me as she reversed then drove around me "Bloody fucking hell." I said as I pressed the button that opens my car door, I got inside starting it up as I closed the door and sped off following behind her.

For someone who is wearing heels she knows to speed like a maniac, she drove around the streets of New York before she parked at the beach.

She got out of her car then sighed as she closed her car door, she looked directly at me then squinted as she ran her fingers through her hair.

She walked onto the beach as she took off her heels, I parked next to her car then got out. I looked at the view as I closed my car door the sun is setting which means the sky is orange, yellow, pink, and purple.

It's an amazing view yes but she looks better. I walked up behind her, "You look more beautiful than the view." I whispered into her ear.

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