chapter thirty five

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"You have only been awake for six days Angie."

I flung a pen at Christopher who caught it "Really? I didn't notice." I said. I gained my energy back within a day of waking up and after that I went back to making plans to attack Francis and back to mafia work.

"Do you know what you are going to get Nicolas yet?" He asked trying to distract me and its working Nicolas's birthday is November 21st and as of right now it's a random day in October.

"Yes I do" I said as I kept on looking through the files "I hope he doesn't like it" He said making me stare at him clearly confused. "You are such a bitch." I said.

"One that will miss you dearly if you die" He said as he stood up and walked out of my office, I pulled my hair into a ponytail as I stood up and exhaled.

I grabbed my phone and keys dropping that into my bag then grabbed my coat off the coat rack and put that on as I grabbed my bag.

I got into my car and drove to this antique watch store, I got Nicolas the watch he has been wanting then made them wrap it up nicely.

I then drove to Armani and got him three suits I think he would look even more attractive in, I drove to Gucci then got him some colognes. I wrapped up all the gift getting for now then drove myself back home.

I entered through the back and put all the gifts in the basement which I am the only one that access to it. I made my way into the outskirts of the living room to see Alex, Nicolas and Alina.

"Uncle Nicolas my car is broken" Alex said as he walked up to Nicolas showing him the truck that has been snapped in half. "I threw it at Alice and she snapped it in half." He said.

Who is Alice?

"Who is Alice?" Nicolas asked as Alex signalled to him that he wanted him to pick him up which Nicolas did. He pointed to Alina who is glaring at him.

I walked into the living room making them aware of my presence, so far I have not brought up the fact Nicolas said he does not want children. I want children and he doesn't so I don't know where we go from there.

I feel like he would be a great father even though he can barely tolerate his own Godchild.

"Why are you looking at him like that?" I asked as I stood next to Nicolas and unbuttoned my coat, "He threw his toy at me I broke it and now he is playing victim." She said.

"He is a child. You are a grown woman." Nicolas said as I kissed his cheek then kissed him catching him off guard, I took Alex from him "Hi buddy" I said as he wrapped his fingers in my hair.

"Hi mommy!" He said as he squealed clearly happy to see me, "Why did you throw your toy at Alina?" I asked. "I didn't I threw it at Alice." He said.

"Why did you throw your toy at Alice?" I asked, "She made my daddy sad" He said making me look over to Alina who now looks guilty. "I didn't make him sad he made-" I signalled for her to shut up which she did.

I gave Alex to Alfonzo as I pulled my phone that has been ringing from my bag to see that Grace sent me a text saying they sent Damon into surgery.

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