chapter eighteen

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"I think you are mak-"

I slowly turned around locking eyes with Alfonzo. "I am not asking for your input so do not fucking give it." I said making him sigh as he slumped himself onto the couch.

He sat up "It is understandable that she is mad right now-"

"Alfonzo shut the fuck up." I said as I walked over to the bedroom door. I opened it as I walked inside closing the door with my foot, I walked over to the nightstand as I took my things out of my pockets and dropped them on the stand.

Honestly, it is very understandable that you are upset hell if she was not upset I would be confused. Even I am upset but I am not taking out my anger on other fucking people.

I am not the one who blew up your hotel, all I wanted to do was comfort her which is something I do not even know how to do but for her I was willing to learn how but she is just yelling at me.

Thanks to her yelling that snapped me back to reality, I am the don of the Italian mafia. I do not do relationships or commitment but I am acting different for what reason?

"Nicolas you honestly should've told her that you were leaving" Alfonzo shouted from the living room making me rub my eyes. "She clearly does not need to know every fucking thing!" I shouted back.

I can hear the couch moving which means he is coming to me now, the bedroom door opened making me turn around raising my eyebrow. "Your relationship with her is bipolar" He said.

"I do not have a relationship with her." I said correcting him making him shake his head. "No I have known her for at least three weeks now, do not start." I added on.

"You Nicolas." He said as he walked away "Are not serious." He said as he closed my bedroom door. My phone dinged making me pick it up to see I got a text from someone, it's a lingerie pic.

I responded with a question mark making them respond back saying this is Ava. Who the hell is Ava? I sent another question mark making them send me a face picture, oh her.

She is the woman Angelina caught me in bed with, for whatever reason she is in Ireland as of right now.  I sent her my location and told her to buy a fancy dress, she is going to be my date for the ball.


"Mr.Romano has arrived at his condo safely."

I rubbed my face as I looked up at my warrior and smiled "Thank you Riley you can take the rest of the night off." I said making him nod as he walked out of my office as Alina walked inside my office.

"You were a tiny bit harsh on Nicolas." She said as she sat down in the chair across from my desk I sighed as I leaned back in my chair. "He stood there asking me questions that have already been answered." I said.

"You have a short temper and he doesn't know that does he?" She asked making me roll my eyes as I sat up. "What do you want me to do? Apologize?" I asked as I rummaged through the stack of files on my desk.

"Yes" She said as I found the paper I am looking for "Fucking finally." I said as I picked it up. "And no I am not apologizing." I said as I began to read it.


"In this world. Our world." I said cutting her off, she sighed and made herself comfortable. "There is no room for you to be hurt by simple words because trust and believe you will be insulted many times. If he can't handle a yelling that was not even yelling then he should not even be a mafia don. I am not apologizing." I said.

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