chapter thirty one

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"Right so let me make sure I have everything right, actually just go over it one more time for me."

I flung my pencil at Alina making her smile at me "Okay so I called Nicolas, he thought since I haven't talked to him in a week I was mad at him." I said making her nod.

"So hence the gifts which told me that he has been feeling neglected but seeing as I am literally drowning in papers" I said as I looked at the stacks of papers around me.

"We talked and we are okay now, I told him about Nate's funeral and he offered to come as moral support so he should be landing in about two hours or so."

She nodded as she raised her eyebrows "Why are you stressing?" She asked making me sigh. "His birthday is around the corner and I have no idea what to do or even get him." I said.

"You. That is a the perfect gift" She said making me smile, "I thought so as well!" I said as she sat up and shook her head.

"Just think! You have been with him for nine about to be ten months. You know what he likes and dislikes so use that towards your thinking." She said as I took a bite of my ice cream cake.

"He is going to make you fat and obese" She said making me smile as I cut her a piece and grabbed a plate, "I wouldn't mind. Try this" I said as I placed the piece on the plate and gave it to her.

"Oh this is good" She said as she took another bite. I stared at Alina who is inhaling the cake, I want to say something but I don't know how she would react.

I know she would eventually find out but it's better if it comes from me. "So is he bringing Alfonzo with him?" She asked subtly making me smile.

"Yes he is. Speaking of Alfonzo did you know that he is dating Elena?" I asked making her cough, she took a sip of her drink then exhaled "The one you saved?" She asked.

"Yeah, I find them very cute. He seems to like her a lot." I said as I nodded "That's.....nice" She said as she raised her eyebrows.

"You rejected him don't forget that" I said as I finished my final piece of cake. I stood up and threw out the container as we walked over the gun range in my building.

"I just want to see how the new ones are doing and then practice myself." I said to Alina as I walked next to Christopher who is teaching the new warriors.

"And here is your boss." He said making them stand up straight as I waved, "Hello everyone welcome, uh I just want to see how everything is going so far" I said.

They all got into their positions as me and Christopher walked back giving them their space. "They literally get worse every year" He said making me smile.

"Shush" I said. "Stand down" I said making them do as told I walked in the middle with a gun "Okay so do as I am doing but keep your finger away from the trigger." I said.

I showed them how I hold my gun making them copy me "Alright now put your finger on the trigger" I said as I stood next to them "And fire" I said making them do as told.

I trained with them some more until Nicolas texted me telling me that he is close to landing. "Alright so you hit them in the back of their knee, twist their arm and flip them over your head" I said as I did what I said.

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