chapter seven

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He is just staring at me.

I raised an eyebrow as he kept staring, he has blonde hair with honey eyes and he has a skinny build. He looks like he has seen a ghost, I looked behind him to see Alina walking up from behind.

I pulled out my gun and fired a shot killing the man who was following her with a gun, the man in front reached up his shirt which made me hit him with my gun while Alina fired shots at the men who are guarding the house.

Shocked man fell to the ground and his gun fell with him, he quickly attempted to reach for it which made me kick it away. "Be very smart right now." I said as I cocked my gun.

I bent down to pick up the gun which made him lunge at me making me drop my gun, he banged me against the wall. I hit his throat with my elbow and knees him in his groin then punched him, he fell down groaning.

Alina walked inside as I picked up both guns, she has her gun pointed at the intruder I kicked him in the face making him cough up blood. "Who sent you?" I asked.

I put my foot under his stomach and flipped him over, "I know him." Alina said making me look at her "From?" I asked.

She smiled as she shook her head, "The club. He is one of your lovers boys men." She said making me look the man "No. What? Why would he do this?" I asked.

I grabbed the knife from under my dress and grabbed his hand slicing it open, "Angelina...." Alina stopped talking once she realized she said my real name.

She lowered her gun as the intruder screamed out in pain, "How many more men?" I asked intruder man. "I will go around back and check. What about him?" Alina asked as she cocked her gun.

I shot him in both of his legs making him scream some more, I used the knife and dragged it down from both bullet holes. "He can not walk" She shook her head as she walked out and I walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed some spices then walked back to see him on the phone, "Bloody hell." I said as I took the phone from him. I put it to my ear to hear Nicolas's voice.

What the hell?

I hung up then put the phone down, I shot it then looked at intruder man who is sweating and breathing heavy, "What does he need Paige for?" I asked.

He just stared at me making me grab his hand and put spices on the fresh and very open cut which made him scream. Alina walked back into the house as she reloaded her gun "We have to go. He called for backup!" She said as I walked downstairs.

I walked over to the basement door, I unlocked it and made my way down. "Do not question me. Just get up and follow me" I said which made them nod.

We walked back upstairs, I made Alina put them in my car. I grabbed anything that shows that I was here "I am sorry Angelina" The intruder man said as I picked up my bullet.

I stared at him clearly confused, "You didn't see me" I said as I knocked him out with my gun. I can hear cars making their way over here which made me speed walk to my car as they arrived and I got inside. I started it up and pressed the gas as I put down the window "Take control" I said as I slowed down.

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