chapter sixteen

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"Not only are you someone who cheats. You are also someone who teases people."

I smiled as I turned around looking at Nicolas who is shaking his head. "A lot of name calling." I said as I turned back around.

"The name fits does it not?" He asked as I walked into the elevator expecting it to close before he could get inside, it did not.

He o it his hand inside making it open wider "Running?" He asked as he pressed the penthouse floor. "Walking." I answered truthfully as the elevator doors closed.

He nodded as he cornered me "Finish what you started." He said making me raise my eyebrows.
"And what is that exactly?" I asked making him stare at me, "Do not act delusional Angelina." He said making me smile as he placed his hands on my waist.

"Oh whatever do you mean Mr.Romano?" I asked with a confused look making him smirk. "You know exactly what you did." He said.

The elevator dinged as it opened, I leaned in about to kiss him making him lower his guard down which I took as an opportunity to remove myself from his grasp and leave the elevator.

I quickly began to walk down the hall he grabbed me by the back of my neck pulling me back to him. He turned me around making me face him, "Do not walk away from me when I am fucking talking to you." He said.

Normally, oh just normally I would sliced his head off for speaking to me like that but it's somewhat turning me on.

I looked at his hand that is on my ass which made him move it as I kissed his cheek. "I shall try not to walk away from you." I said.

"Good girl." He said as he walked towards the door while I just stood there taking in what he just said to me. I cleared my throat as I followed behind him.

He unlocked the door allowing me to walk inside I was expecting to see Alina and Alfonzo sitting on the couch waiting for us but no one is there.

"Where did they go?" I asked Nicolas who is not even looking in my direction. "Hello?" I asked as I stared at him to see him on his phone.

I walked up to him crossing my arms against my chest "Am I not talking to you?" I asked as he locked eyes with me as he walked around me and made his way into the washroom and closed the door before I could enter it.

I waited for five minutes before I realized he is most likely just standing there on his phone. I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair as I walked over to the door. I picked the lock and opened the door to see him literally standing there on his phone.

He looked at me as he raised an eyebrow "Why are you ignoring me?" I asked making him stare at me as I closed the door with my foot. "Are you mad at me because I teased you?" I asked as I took his phone out his hand.

I switched over to the camera app and took a picture of myself then placed his phone on the counter, I placed my hands on his face "I would like for you to talk to me." I said making him smile for a split second.

He stared at me with an emotionless face as I slid my hands from his face down to his belt I unbuckled it still maintaining eye contact with him, I zipped down his pants slowly sliding my hand inside of his boxers.

My hand came in contact with his penis, I have seen a penis before but this big and long? Not at all.

I began to stroke him up and down slowly as I brought my lips to his neck kissing him softly and slowly which made him flex his jaw, I smiled as I began to stroke him faster. I pulled away leaving him wanting more as I sighed "Fine, don't talk to me" I said.

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