chapter forty four

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I did not think searching for the love of my life would have me ordering someone to put a gun to a teenage boys head, but here we are.

My judgement is clouded right now for all I know Angelina could be hurt or dead right now. I looked at the guards who are dressed in black holding their guns that are pointed at us very tightly.

"I am only going to say this once, give me Angelina and you all will live." I am lying so hard, the second I have Angelina with me I will drop a bomb on this place.

"If I don't have Angelina in the next five fucking minutes, all of you will die starting with whoever this is." I said as I pointed to to the teenage boy who is crying.

I've never killed a child and I am not going to start now.

They all just stared at me not saying anything, she is probably dead and they just don't want to tell me. I am sick of this shit, I grabbed the child and the gun away from Alfonzo.

I trapped the the kid under my arm as I fired a shot shooting one of the guards in the head. "Do you fucking believe me now?" I asked as I fired another shot hitting another guard in the head.

"What about now?" I asked as I pressed the gun onto the kids head. They just stared at me like they are waiting for a command, "ANGELINA!" I shouted startling some of them.

Alfonzo handed me another gun which is a machine gun he took the kid from me as I cocked the gun and aimed at the guards, "You had your chance."

They all tightened their grip on their guns I brought the gun to my eye ready to fire. "Lower your guns."

That voice. Oh that voice. That sweet sweet voice that can easily bring me to my knees.

They all quickly lowered their guns I put my gun down as my eyes landed on the most beautiful woman in the world.

I snapped my fingers making Alfonzo remove the gun from the child's head. "Hi" She whispered as she walked up to me, I wrapped one arm around her as she wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me tightly.

I tightened my grasp on her "Kill them" She whispered. I lifted my gun back up firing shots hitting all of the guards as I placed Angelina back down.

I dropped the gun onto the floor as I placed my hands on her face making her wrap her hands around my wrists, "Those aren't my kids." I said making her nod.

"I know" She whispered back as she leaned up kissing me softly, only God knows how much I have missed these lips. I kissed her back making her smile as she moved her hands to the back of my neck.

"Alright now." A voice said making Angelina try to pull away, she bit my lip hopping that would make me pull away but it didn't.

I pulled away allowing her to hit my arm as she turned around I looked over to Luciano and this man who resembles Angelina a lot.

"So this whole fucking time, you knew where she was?" I asked as Luciano crossed his arms against his chest, I picked up the gun and aimed it at him.

"Stop Nicolas" Angelina said as the man who resembles her began to talk as well. Angelina moved my gun away making me put it back and put my finger on the trigger, "Nicolas fucking stop!" She said.

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