chapter twenty one

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"So what happened on the road?"

I raised my eyebrows at Alfonzo then looked over to Angelina who is already looking at me, she smirked slightly as we both looked back at everyone.

"What do you mean?" Angelina asked. "Your car was swerving a lot" Alina said making Angelina fake a cough, I smirked as I shook my head "Yes Nicolas is very terrible driver." She said.

"I am very-" She slapped my arm as a sign for me to shut up as she locked her car. "Yes I suck at driving" I said making her nod.

"Let's go inside yeah?" She asked making everyone nod as we walked up the stairs. She walked in front of me making my eyes drop to her ass.

I reached my finger out to poke it but she grabbed my finger and twisted it. "Jesus" I whispered making her release it.

We made our way into the foyer to see a woman dancing around wearing a shirt that is five times bigger than her.

"Elena? What the fuck?" Ilas asked making the woman stop dancing and stare at us completely shocked and horrified. "Why are you wearing my shirt?" He asked as he walked up to her.

"Oh. Is this your girlfriend? Very interesting, it seemed like you did not have a girlfriend at the gala." Alina said as she stared at Ilas who glanced at us while I just shook my head.

"Everyone this is Elena, my sister." He said which made Elena fix her posture and stand up straight as she plastered on a fake smile. Ilas looked at Angelina who is fiddling with my fingers.

Elena waved at all of us "Hello everyone-"

"Where are the rooms?" I asked cutting her off, "On the left." Ilas said as Elena tried to get his attention by hitting his arm. "If anyone needs me, I will be in my office which is the first door on the right" He said as Elena walked up to Angelina making her look up.

"I just wanted to say you are pretty and I respect you very much Ms.Hernandez" She said making Angelina smile. "Thank you! I appreciate that !" Angelina said as I looked away to see Alina trying not to talk to Alfonzo who is ignoring her.

I grabbed Angelina's hand pulling her away from Elena "I was in the middle-"

"Are you gay?" I asked cutting her off making her raise her eyebrows, "What?" She asked as she chuckled. "Are you gay?" I asked once again, "No.....yes....maybe...why?" She asked as I picked her up making her wrap her legs and arms around me as I placed my hands under her ass.

I opened one of the doors to see a clean bedroom, I walked further inside and placed Angelina down. "Are you joking?" I asked as I closed the door, "Uh I would have sex with a girl, date them, marry them and if you want to call that bisexual I guess you can." She said.

I stared at her as I scrunched my face in confusion "Because that quite literally makes you bisexual" I said making her shrug her shoulders, "If you say so" She said making me shake my head.

"Angelina that makes you bisexual." I said making her shrug as she wrapped her arms around my neck, "I guess you could say that." She said as she jumped up into my arms and I caught her.

"So you would have sex with a girl and marry her?" I asked as I walked over to the bed, "Yes" She said as I placed her down on the bed and hovered over her.

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