chapter twenty five

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"To say I feel bad for Alfonzo would be a lie"

Angelina looked at me as put her feet in front of the fan "Why? Is it because Alina is like you?" She asked making me stare at her, "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Be smart and figure it out" She said, I know what she means clearly Alina is a player and I was a player so I know one when I see one.

I gave Alfonzo a warning then he proceeded to tell me that I am not someone to give out romance advise, now look at him. Sad as shit over a woman who is checking up on the other man.

I looked at Angelina who is wiggling her toes that are light pink, "What?" She asked as she locked eyes with me. "Why did you save her?" I asked as she bit my cheek.

"She is innocent" She said as she stood up and walked over to a sink, "I do not harm or kill innocent people, yes she hit me but her dying? I could not let it happen." She said as she washed her hands.

"I might be a cold hearted killer but I have a line I do not cross, the day I cross that line is the day I become a real bitch" She said making me nod.

"How did you know what to do?" I asked as she used a towel to dry her hands, "I majored in biology once I got a grasp on the mafia life" She said.

She went on to tell me that she got a grasp of the mafia life when she was thirteen and she is super smart person, she is in med school trying to become a surgeon but she keeps getting distracted.

"So cardiology" I said making her nod, "What is that?" I asked making her smile. "It focuses on the heart and it's diseases and abnormalities" She said making me raise my eyebrows.

"I did not know that you are like that" I said as I wrapped my arms around her, "You have joined the short list of people who know" She said as she placed her hands on my shoulders.

"I am still taking you out on a date" I said making her smile, "You still haven't given me any insight on that" She said making me kiss her cheek.

"Tomorrow night, me and you a date." I said as I leaned in but she pulled away, "Sorry" She said as she pushed a button making a nurse walk in.

"Let's get some soft restraints and hang up another bag of IV" She said as Elena woke up and looked around making the machines start to beep, "If I were you I would calm down and not move, if you move you will feel-"

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MY LOVE?!" She screamed the immediately began to groan out of pain as Angelina grabbed a stethoscope.

She grabbed a bag of something then hooked it up to this tall thing "Keep on moving and you will tear your stitches." She said making Elena sit still.

Angelina put something in her arm then listened to her heartbeat, Elena stared at her clearly not happy while Angelina is attending to her.

The nurse came back and they put restraints on Elena then Angelina pushed something inside of her making Elena calm down.

"You are cheating on him" Elena said as I walked up to her bed, "Angelina is not cheating on your brother because they are not together." I said making her look at me.

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