chapter twenty two

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I opened my eyes as I stared at the very thin ass curtains that are letting the sunlight shine through.

Ireland is a very beautiful place from the views to the people, I honestly hope that the curtains are not that thin everywhere.

I pulled the covers over my head in an attempt to block out the sunlight which did not work at all, I kicked the covers off myself and sighed as I sat up.

I moved my hair out my face as I stood up and walked over to the bathroom. I turned on the shower as I stared at myself in the mirror.

I took off my clothes as I walked into the shower, I took a much needed shower and changed into a grey sweatpants with a black tank top.

I removed my hair from the towel it was in and plugged in my hairdryer, I turned it on and grabbed a brush just as someone knocked on my door.

"Come in" I said as I walked out into the bedroom, Alfonzo entered with a tray of food. "Are you building something in here?" He asked making me smile.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked as he looked around, "What is that loud ass sound?" He asked making me shake my head.

"A hairdryer" I said making him look at me, "Oh here is your breakfast" He said as he put the tray on the coffee table, it honestly looks rancid.

"I am not hungry" I said making him laugh, "I have had Irish food, it has looked and tasted better it's just Elena." He said as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Penny for your thoughts after I finish drying my hair?" I asked making him nod, I walked back into the bathroom and did what I needed to do to my hair.

I did what I had to do to my hair then pulled it into a ponytail as I walked back into the bedroom, "Alright what's up?" I asked as I sat back down in one of the chairs.

He sat up as he sighed "Do you think Alina likes me?" He asked making me raise my eyebrows, "Shouldn't you be asking her that?" I asked making him sigh.

"Yes but you are her best friend so I came to you" He said as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Something tells me you like her a lot" I said as I grabbed one of the strawberries.

"I really do Ange" He said making me nod as I ate the strawberry, "Then tell her. Show her you like her then you will get your answer." I said making him nod.

"Ilas has a homemade ring, I am going over there to train. Care to join me?" He asked. "Sure" I said as he picked up the tray, and we made our way out of the room.

"I should eat something" I said as we walked into the kitchen, he quickly disposed of the food as I grabbed an apple then washed that as he grabbed a banana making me gag.

I ate that as we walked to the ring to see Alina training with some of Ilas's men, the ring is like a wwe ring with the gym equipment around it.

I took a picture of it then began to stretch "Are you sure about this?" I asked as I cracked my knuckles. "Do not hold back Hernandez" He said, I will definitely be holding back. Alfonzo is very skilled but compared to me he would not win.

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