chapter twenty nine

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"I desperately need good news, if it's not good news I don't want to hear it."

Christopher closed the door with his foot he walked over to my alcohol shelf and grabbed the tequila bottle.  "Christopher?" I asked as he grabbed two shot glasses.

We have this thing between us that when someone close to us dies we take five shots for them to honour them.

I kicked my heels off and pulled my hair into a ponytail he cut the limes then grabbed the salt. I stood up as he sat down in my little sitting area, I sat down next to him.

We took all five shots in silence and he dropped a file onto my lap. I picked it up and opened it to see that they identified the person in the pictures I received is Nate.

I flipped through the file to see that Francis sent me Nate's dead body and he left me a message saying long live Nate along with the bombing.

I closed the the file as I walked over to my desk grabbing my phone. I called one of my men "I want you, Levi, Eric and Luke on the next plane out to France. You will be given your task when you land."

"Yes ma'am" They said making me hang up as I walked back over to Christopher and sat down next to him. "Christopher-"

"He did not deserve that." He said cutting me off as he poured himself another shot. "I know I am sorry." I said as he stood up and patted my shoulder.

He made his way out of my office making me sigh as J walked over to my desk grabbing my chair and flung it across the room breaking it.

I took in a deep breath as my assistant walked inside, "You need a new chair?" She asked. "Yeah" I said as I nodded. She gave me a thumbs up as she left and I sat down in my chair.

I searched up Nate's file to see that his mother lives in New York and he is not that far from my office. I grabbed my heels putting them back on.

I grabbed my bag as I walked out of my office to see Christopher standing there looking at something on his phone, I looked at it to see a picture of him and Nate.

Him and Nate were very close like best friends close, "I am going to his moms house to tell her." I said making him turn around and nod at me.

"I will come with you" He said making me nod, I hesitated at first but I hugged him. He was caught off guard but he hugged me back.

I drove us over to Nate's moms house as he talked to me about stories that involve Nate. If I never asked him to join the mafia he would not be dead as of right now.

He never would've been kidnapped he would not be dead, his death is on me.

I parked outside of her house to see Monica working on her front yard garden, we both put on our sunglasses as we got out of the car.

She glanced at us then turned to face us as her smile faded "Hi Monica" I said as we approached her. "He is dead isn't he?" She asked as tears began to form in her eyes.

"I am so sorry." Christopher said as he bent down and hugged her as she began to sob. I stood there as he helped her up and we made our way inside.

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