chapter thirty

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"Why is it taking forever?"

Alfonzo shrugged as we walked into my office "I don't get why you are worried" He said making me stare at him as he sat down across from my desk.

"It has been a week since I last heard from Angelina" I said as I dropped ice cubes into my glass. "Part of me thinks she found about about Ava and she is plotting how to kill me." I said as I grabbed the scotch bottle.

"But the other part of me thinks she is just busy" I said as I poured some inside and grabbed the amaretto bottle. "Because she did tell me that she is going to her very busy since her mafia is on code dark blue." I said as I poured some inside.

"There is no way she knows" He said as I mixed the drink together with a straw then threw out the straw. I walked over to my desk and sat down, "I still think you should tell her" He said as I took a sip of my drink.

"She has her own shit to worry about" I said as I inspected my drink. "You are just scared she will leave you" He said as I took a sip of my drink.

"Everyone knows she makes you feel things you have not felt for anyone ever in your life, but this is going to have a bad outcome and backfire on you." He said.

"Mind your business and I will mind mine. Besides, you are dating Elena don't you think Angelina should know that?" I asked as I chugged my drink then sighed as I placed it back down.

"Why would she-"

"Angelina pays for Elena and her mother's lifestyle. All the gifts Elena gets you are with Angelina's money." I said as I looked at him to see him looking completely shocked.

"That is a lie" He said making me raise my eyebrows, "Sit there and think to yourself what I would gain by lying." I said as my phone dinged.

I grabbed it to see security footage of my parents standing outside my house. I unlocked the door making my dad grab it and open the door for my mom and they walked inside.

I rubbed my face as I sighed and the door swung open. "Non posso crederti Nicolas" My mother said as she walked inside, "Hi Nicolas" My dad said as he closed the door. (Italian: I can not believe you)

"What did I do?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair and she hugged Alfonzo who hugged her back.  "Why did I have to hear from Alice who heard from Alicia who heard from Nicole's cousin who heard from Fatima who heard from Sophia you have a girlfriend?"

She crossed her arms against her chest as I looked over to my dad who just shook his head as he shrugged. "I honestly do not know anyone you just named" I said.

"Non è questo il punto, hai una ragazza adesso! e non mi hai detto di dirlo" She said as she took off her hat and gloves. (Italian: That is not the point, you have a girlfriend now! And you didn't tell me)

She walked over to me and hugged me making me pat her back "What did you just drink?" Alfonzo asked as he grabbed my empty cup "Old fashioned" I said.

"I'll take a martini" My mom said as she released me and walked over to my dad who just sat down, "I'll take a manhattan" My dad said as my mom sat on his lap.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow "Old fashioned" I said making him nod. "Can I see a picture?" My dad asked.

I picked up my phone and turned it on my screensaver is a picture of Angelina standing next to the statue of liberty. This was when she showed me around New York during January.

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