chapter thrity nine

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"I feel bad Nicolas."

I rubbed my chin as I stood up kicking the balloons around, "I said it's fine doll" I said as I walked into my closet to see all the new suits she got me.

"You know me so well" I said as I walked up to the dark blue Armani suit, "I think you should wear one of them when you come to pick me up" She said making me smile.

"I definitely will" I said as I heard a little child screaming, "Alex drop that! Baby I'll call you back later okay?" She asked.

"Okay, I love you." I said, "I love you to" She said as she hung up. I put my phone back into my pocket as I scanned all the suits she got me.

I opened up the boxers that were in my room to see they are either watches, jewelry, cuff links, ties, colognes I have been eyeing for a long time.

I put everything back then made my way around my house looking at all the decorations she put up everywhere, I really love her.

A couple of days later.

Two days ago, Angelina gave everyone then go to attack Francis which we did. Some harder than others, it is practically a massacre in France right now.

Out of all the countries that attacked, Angelina's attacks are the one that did the most damage. I personally feel like she is slipping away from her rule of not harming the innocent.

Her judgment is clouded yes but in a way it's affecting her decisions and her morals, I am fine with it because in my head no one is ever truly innocent.

But I feel like she will be very upset once her judgement is no longer clouded, anytime I bring it up to her she says 'Fear or be feared' then switches the topic.

I borrowed Angelina's private medical team for my father who hasn't gotten any better. They are the best ones alone right now and she was more than happy to give them to me just for them to be completely fucking useless.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts to see her medical team in front of me. "What the fuck do you mean there is no improvement?" I asked.

"It's not that he is getting worse sir, he is not getting better and he is not getting worse sir. He's just there." One of them said clearly scared.

"So stop whatever it is you are doing and come up a better treatment." I said, "We have done that five-"

"KEEP ON FUCKING DOING IT!" I yelled at them making them nod at me and quickly walk out of my office.

I need Angelina.

I stood up walking over to my alcohol stand I poured myself a drink then walked back over to my desk chugging my drink.

I searched my desk for my personal phone that is not here, I walked back over to my alcohol stand and refilled my drink.

"Literally what the fuck?" I said as I took off my suit jacket and walked out of my office, I chugged my drink as I spotted my mom who is on the phone.

I walked closer to her to see she's on the phone with my own phone, "Seriously?" I asked as I walked over to her.

"Nicolas go away, I am on the phone with my daughter in law." She said as she waved her hand in my face as a signal for me to leave.

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