chapter thirteen

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"Literally what are you expecting Nic?"

I sighed as I rubbed my chin "What do you mean?" I asked Alfonzo as I looked at him to see him holding up the flowers.

"You have been sending her gifts the whole week. For what?" He asked as I took the flowers from him and gave them to the delivery boy.

"Why not?" I asked as I closed the door and turned around to face him, "You like her." He said.

"I don't like people." I said as we walked back into the living room, "You don't like to spend your money but you spent a lot emphasis on a lot of money on her and you guys don't even talk." He said.

"Get to your point" I said as I raised my eyebrows making him sigh. He grabbed my phone holding it out "Call her. You like her." He said as I took my phone.

"Alfonzo. Piss off." I said as I took out my gun "I am just saying" He said as he held up his hands. "Fai una mossa prima di perderlo." He said as I cocked my gun. (Italian: Make a move before you lose it)

"Do not refer to her as an it." I said as I lifted up my gun and hit him the back of his head making him groan and rub his head. "Updates." I said as I sat down.

I dropped my gun next to me then made myself comfortable on the couch "Francis left a fat envelope in front of the main building back in Italy. It was filled with death certificates, including yours."

"So he's saying I am dead in France?" I asked as I ran my fingers through my hair, Alfonzo nodded and I sighed. "Is that supposed to scare me?" I asked.

"He uh included your parents, siblings, friends and basically everyone he thinks is important to you. Your grandparents were the first ones in the pile." He said.

Frankly, this still doesn't scare me. It makes me even more annoyed this will not end will for Francis at all.

I stood up and made my way back into the kitchen, I opened the top cabinet and took out a glass cup. I closed it then turned on the sink "Is there more?" I asked as rinsed it out.

"They put a picture of Carmelo in it as well. It is a group picture of the three of us, there is an x on his face and they sent over a death certificate as well."

I turned off the sink then added two ice cubes, I poured the scotch inside then took a sip. "Interesting." I said.

"According to Alina-"

"I don't know who that is." I said cutting him off, he rolled his eyes at me. "The short woman who is always with Angelina" He said making me nod.

"What about her?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink, I placed it back on the counter then rolled up my sleeves.

"She says Angelina received the same packages, I have been asking around and everyone has received one." He said.

"What did Angelina say about this?" I asked as I turned around to face him, "To summarize it she said sit tight until she gives the go to attack." He said.

I grabbed my drink and chugged it then placed the cup in the sink, "I am going to get takeout. Do you have any options?" He asked as we walked back into the living room.

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