chapter forty three

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I have been told countless of times that I am delusional, grieving, stupid, pathetic, annoying and many other things simply because I refused to believe my father had died.

But here is standing in front of me, smiling on top of that like there is something to be smiling about.

"I said lower-" I fired two shots at once instantly killing two out of three men as I released the gun from my foot, catching it and shooting the final man.

He looked at the three dead men on the ground as he sighed "Well this just goes to show that you actually paid attention, during our training sessions." He said.

I can not believe this.

I can hear feet making their way towards the door on the right I aimed my gun at the door while still looking at my dad which made him confused.

He slowly turned around looking at the door then turned to face me "What are you-" The door opened cutting him off, "Dad there is- Oh shit." I looked at the door to see one of Nicolas's men.

I think his name is Lucie or something,

I cocked my gun at him making him put his hands in the air I signalled for him to walk next to my father which he did very slowly.

Me and Christian had the same eye colour and standing here now looking at Lucie's eyes, one of them is brown and the other one is blue.

"Turn around" I said making him slowly turn around  my eyes landed on the back his neck specifically the birthmark that is the same shape, size and colour of the same birthmark Christian had.

I let the gun fall from my head as I pulled my hair out of my face letting my hand rest on my head as my eyes filled with tears, he slowly turned around putting his hand down.

I can't believe this.

My dad frowned as he walked up to me making me take steps back "Don't cry Lina" He said as he tried to hug me making me push him away.

"Do not fucking touch me." I said as the tears began to fall from my eyes. "Angelina you are doing the most" Christian said as he tried to grab me making me push him away and punch him.

"You drugged Alina, didn't you?" I asked as I started to piece everything together, Alina found out who he was and look at where that got her. Is this why she only wanted to talk to Christopher? Why would she tell him and not me if I am the only one who still believed they were alive.

"I apologized for that" He said making me scoff as I wiped my eyes. "Unlike you, she could recognize me." He said as he wiped his lip to see blood making him glare at me.

He lunged at me but I quickly moved out of the way then pushed him with my foot making him turn around, I punched him right across the face making him groan.

He looked at me all wobbly as I punched him straight in his face then his throat making him stumble back clearly distraught.

I exhaled as I turned around facing my dad wiping my eyes and catching my breath. He punched me in my back then placed his hand on my shoulder making me grab it and flip him over my head.

He landed on his back as he groaned and rolled onto his stomach coughing up some blood. He stood back up struggling making me more annoyed, he made his way to me with a limp.

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