chapter fifty

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"So I want these decorations to be moved to the right side."

The event planner nodded as they took down notes while I glanced up to see Angelina walking around in a black robe that is very short, I raised an eyebrow as she closed the door with her foot for me to see she is wearing heels as well.

This little temptress.

"Are you busy?" She asked as she walked over to the bookshelf looking through it. "Yes. Kind of my love" I said.

"No i'm just curious" She said as she sat next to me and placed her feet on my lap. "Right so-"

She reached over me grabbing my glass cup and the scotch bottle. She poured some into the glass then drank it as she leaned back to her seat.

"So flowers on each table correct?" The event planner asked and I nodded. "Well I shall be on my way now" She said as she stood up untying her robe, giving me a glimpse of what she is wearing.

My lips parted a little bit as a grin appeared on her face, she turned around walking towards the door as the event planner kept on talking.

I locked eyes with him which made him shut up "Mr.Romano?" He asked. "Do not fuck anything up." I said as I stood up and made my way out of my office.

I made my way upstairs into me and Angelina's room "Angelina?" I asked as I closed and locked the door behind me. "Yeah?" She replied as she walked out of her closet with a wide smile.

"Come here." I said as she released her hair from the ponytail it was in. "I thought you were busy." She said as she squinted at me.

"I am not going to repeat myself." I said which made her walk up to me. She placed her hands on her hips "Throw it." She whispered.

"You throw it." I whispered which made her smile as she took steps back dropping her robe onto the floor exposing what she is wearing.

" I whispered which made her smile as she took steps back dropping her robe onto the floor exposing what she is wearing

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"Angelina." I said in a warning tone as she walked up to me and placed her hands on my chest. "Throw it in." She said in a stern tone.

"I throw in the white flag." I spat out making her smile at me. She wrapped her arms around my neck "Just like that victory is mine." She said.

"You play a dirty game." I said as she leaned in kissing me sloppily I placed my hand on her lower back as I kissed her back. I grabbed her thigh lifting up making her jump into my arms while I moved my hands to under her ass supporting her up.

I walked over to the desk placing her on the end "We don't have that much time." I said as she pulled away out of breath. "Less talking." She said "More touching." She whispered against my lips.

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