chapter thrity eight

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I looked over to Angelina who is saying goodbye to some of my men she has become friends with, "Nic"

I turned around looking at Alfonzo who is holding Alex who is reaching out for me. I stared at him then took him from Alfonzo, "If I ask Angelina to watch Alex, would she do it?" He asked.

"Probably" I said as Alex wrapped his arms around my neck resting his head on my chest. "Cute" I turned around to see Angelina who took a picture of me and Alex.

"You are so strong" Alfonzo said as he placed his hand on her shoulder patting it. "Do you mind if I leave Alex with you? I don't want to bring him to Italy right now-"

"I don't mind at all!" She exclaimed cutting him off, I am guessing Alex became aware of her presence since he lifted his head up looking around.

"Mama!" He said as he reached out for Angelina who happily took him from me. "I would love to watch him" She said.

"You have a good one" He said as he patted my back making me slap his hand off me. I pulled her into my chest making her wrap one arm around me hugging me.

"I can't breathe" Alex said making us pull away from each other. She put him down on the ground and attached himself onto her leg, she grabbed my suit jacket pulling me closer to her.

"I would like my panties back now." She whispered making me kiss her cheek. "No?" I replied making her squint at me.

"Nicolas!" She said as I dipped my head down kissing her softly, she kissed me then pulled away. She smiled at me as she placed her hand on my face kissing me sloppily.

I kissed her back as she wrapped her arms around my neck she slowly inserted her tongue into the kiss making moan into her mouth, she lifted up her leg making me grab onto it keeping it up. Something is biting me.

I pulled away looking down at my leg to see Alex's mouth clanging onto my suit. I shook my leg which didn't make him remove himself.

"It's because you two were tongue fucking each other." Alfonzo said as he walked over to his little shit. "Release" I said.

"A child is not a dog, come here baby" Angelina said as she removed herself from my grasp and opened her arms to him. He released my suit making her pick him up.

"This is Armani you little sh-." I said making him stick his tongue out at me. "Okay Nicolas" Angelina said cutting me off.

"I made you his Godfather and this is how you act?" Alfonzo asked as he walked away, I looked over to Angelina who is smiling at Alex as he sings his abc's.

She is someone who would fall in love with your child at the first glance. She frowned as I walked back up to her "What?" She asked.

"Why are you frowning?" I asked as she placed Alex down on the ground. I kissed her cheek repeatedly before kissing her lips softly, she kissed me back then pulled away.

"Bye!" Alex said as she picked him up and he waved at me, I raised my eyebrows as I walked away making my way onto the plane.

I sat down making myself comfortable as I sighed, "Having children is something you do not want, while Angelina deeply wants children." Alfonzo said making me turn to him.

"I did not ask for relationship advice from you, so please shut up." I said as I took my glass of scotch from the flight attendant.

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