chapter three

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"How many glasses of champagne have we had?"

I raised my eyebrows as I counted how much we have had in my head "Four. We have had four glasses." I said as I finished my fifth glass "Counting this it's five" I said as I placed it down.

I rarely drink since I am not legally allowed to drink but Italy's drinking age is eighteen. Me and Alina have been roaming the streets of Rome for the past two hours.

We entered Louis Vuitton and they deemed us as people who have money so they took us to a private room and brought out champagne and the things they do not have outside for everyone to see.

"Alright" I said as I took off my red floral dress and changed into the light blue dress I literally just bought. Alaina grabbed her ten shopping bags and I grabbed my four shopping bags.

Alina buys from very big brands while I buy from small businesses, I can hold my alcohol very well meaning I don't appear drunk but Alina is walking in zigzag "I need to piss" She said as we walked into a baby store.

I waved at one of my guards making them wave at me, I saw some of my guards who decided to stay and not fly out their family which I understand because sometimes we just need a break from everyone and everything.

Eva my sister in law is pregnant, Christopher is very excited but he keeps on buying clothes for 12+ months because he thinks that means for children under 12 months.

Eva is on bedrest so I said I would get her somethings while I am here, I grabbed a basket as I began to walk around. I can feel someone staring at me but I don't care enough to turn around.

I grabbed some things and dropped some things into my basket "I can not believe that she is pregnant again" Alina said as she walked next to me. "I can not wait until you have a mini Angelina, I am going to spoil the fuck out of them." She said making me smile.

"Ask the worker if they have any more things for newborns" I said as I turned to face her. "Yes Ms.Don" She said making me hit her arm as I turned around looking at other people.

My eyes landed on this tall man who is already staring at me he is drop dead attractive, my head unknowingly tilted to the left as I studied his facial features not one flaw in sight.

I looked away as I grabbed Alina came back to me and gave me the basket "He's hot" I said making her raise her eyebrows. "Who's hot?" She asked as I turned around and walked towards the register.


Mystery woman began to walk headed for the register I walked in front of her making her look up at me, seeing her up close she is a literal goddess.

I smirked slightly making her look down at her feet, look who can not handle eye contact. She looked around I am guessing for the woman who was conversing with her

She walked around me then made her way to the register, what the hell was that?

I turned around and walked in front of her again stopping her from placing her things on the counter. I am expecting her to fall to her knees but she is just staring at me with an emotionless face.

Mafia Love | 18+Where stories live. Discover now