chapter forty six

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"Are you packed and ready to go?"

I looked around as I placed my hands on my hips "Yeah" I said. It has been two days since we found my dad and it is also time for us to leave.

I had brunch with him to talk about him coming back, he was hesitant at first but eventually caved in. He already left but me and Nicolas are still here because I woke up late.

He gave us this house and the land surrounding it which is practically the whole forest, we have plans to build two more houses on it.

"Hello?" Nicolas asked making me look at him, "Yes sorry hi" I said as I walked up to him and he wrapped his arms around me. "You okay love?" He asked and I nodded.

He kissed my head then released me as he grabbed my remaining bags. We walked outside and helped him put my bags in the car.

"I don't know how an airport is a two hour drive but somehow it is." He said as I kissed his hand and he started up the car. He began to drive occasionally rubbing me through my pants, he made me horny and he doesn't even realize it.

I closed my legs making him look at me "I'm horny" I said making him chuckle. I took off my heels placing them on the dashboard, he slid his hand into my skirt ripping my panties.

I exhaled as I closed my eyes and leaned back in my seat. His thumb connected to my clit rubbing it slowly making my lips part a little bit, he dragged his index finger around my sex before slowly dipping his finger inside of me making me moan.

He put his other finger inside making me grab his shoulder as he began to go at a slow and steady pace. He suddenly stopped pulling out his fingers making me snap my eyes open.

"Nicolas!" I said as he began to suck on his fingers, I put my legs down as I hit his arm. "I know what to get your dad so he likes me." He said.

"My dad does like you" I said as I took his hand out of his mouth and kissed him. He kissed me back then pulled away "He doesn't like me, neither does he even respect me." He said.

I sighed as I rubbed my face "Nicolas my dad likes you and respects you-"

"So I was thinking that I could kidnap Ilas's dad as a welcome back gift." He said as I stared at his lips, "Agree?" He asked as I nodded then he kissed me slowly.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Nicolas opened my car door allowing me to get out of my car "That was quick" I said as I looked at Ilas's dad whom is in handcuffs.

"It was fun" He said as he kissed my head, his men dragged him inside as another car pulled up. Nicolas closed my car door and I locked it.

My dad and Christian got out making me smile at them, "Hi princess" My dad said as he kissed my head and just walked past Nicolas.

"He practically hates me." Nicolas said as Christian walked past us. "No he doesn't" I said as he wrapped his arm around me.

We walked into my building, this is my high risk building which means you have to be very important for me to put you in this building.

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