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"No" he breathed out. "That was something different"
Karima snatched her body from his hold.
"Don't tell me you are in love with her" she eyed him.

"What? No. You're the love of my life" he replied. "It's just a bit complicated"

Karima sat there waiting for him to continue but he refused to say more.
"Well?" She urged.

"I approached her first. Something to get my mind off things. Just to while away time. I didn't know when things got out of hand. I wanted to stop it but she told Mama and I didn't want to disappoint them so I just went ahead with everything."

"The kisses and the hugs?" She asked with tears at the brim of her eyes. Khalifa had kissed and touched plenty women in his 33 years of living and she couldn't help but feel jealous. Ya Kubra was pretty. No doubt all his other women where; even Ummitah.
She wondered if she could compete with how they made him feel.

"She always came onto me. I swear. I just couldn't stop her. I'm a perfectly healthy man but I'm not proud of that" he muttered quietly.

"Of course you are. You were even hooking up with girls after you are married, enough for one of them to try and trap you with a child" she hissed and rubbed her eyes clear of the tears.

"What? That was a momentary lapse, I can't believe you're judging me. Not that you're a saint yourself" he rolled his eyes.

"But I wasn't kissing any men after we married"

"I told you I was intoxicated. How many times do I have to apologize for that? I can't even believe this" he stood up and left the room.

Karima looked at the direction he followed and hissed.

"Trash" Firdaus hissed as Karima walked past her.
She badly wanted to let it go, but just thinking of what she did to Khalifa made her insides burn. She turned and walked back to her.

"What did you say?" She asked again.

"I called you trash. That's what you are. No one wanted to marry you that's why you were thrust to Ya umar, I'm sure he........"

A sound echoed in the hallway and Firdaus shrieked as she held her right cheek.

"I will not waste my precious breath on a worthless thing like you" Karima said and turned to leave.

Firdaus grabbed her and turned her around, as she was about to hit her, Khalifa held her hand.

"How dare you think of hitting my wife?" He shouted and tossed her hand away.

"But Ya umar she hit me first" she cried.

"What? How can you lie like that?" Karima turned to Khalifa. "I didn't" she added trying to look innocent.

"She said she didn't. How do you even get the nerve to raise your hand on her?" He scolded.

"Don't think I haven't seen the looks you give her or the nasty comments, now you're even trying to hit her? I mean what do I expect from a person like you" he hissed and dragged his wife away.

Just before they turned around the corner, Karima turned and smirked at Firdaus.

Khalifa pushed his wife into the room and locked the door behind them.

"Why did you hit her?" He asked.

"But I didn't" she replied and he gave her a look.

"Okay she was being disrespectful " she hissed. "Are you going to scold me too?" She asked.

Khalifa shook his head in negation and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Nope. You did good baby girl" he grinned as they both erupted into fits of laughter.

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