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I knocked a little harder on the door and when I heard a faint answer, I threw it open.
I went directly towards a confused Abba and knelt down.

Abba's forehead creased.

"Abba, I have never begged you for something in my life, I have never really asked you for something this earnestly. Abba please forgive me and tell Uncle Khalifa to divorce me" I rushed.

Abba stood up abruptly.
"Kareema, that decision is up to your husband" Abba replied.

"Abba, you gave me to him, please tell him to give me back to you. I can't do this again" I felt tears in my eyes.

"Are you some sort of material thing that will be given and taken back?" He asked

"'Abba you can't do this to me. You didn't even ask my permission. I'm not marrying him" I argued.

"Young lady! Do not tell me what to do and what not to do. I warned you about Mujahid, did I not? You still went ahead and insisted on wanting him. Look what happened! He disrespected me in front of everyone and didn't show up. Your brothers came up with the idea and I couldn't tell my guests there was no groom. If anything, you should be grateful that Khalifa agreed without arguing. And the knot has been tied already so your opinions don't matter. Let me not hear of this again! Is that clear?" Abba stormed off.

Immediately he called me young lady, I knew I had lost the battle that had barely even began.

I left his room and went to the next person that holds some power over Khalifa.

"Mama" I cried before going further into her room.
She opened her arms wide for me to get a hug.

"I see you found out. You and Khalifa are my favorite children, I am so glad you're okay with this. I'm really overjoyed. Allah ya miki albarka my dear." Mama beamed. One could swear she has been given Jannah.

Only now did I understand Khalifa. My parents are very happy about the union, he couldn't tell them No. I can also do anything to see that smile stamped on her face forever.

I just nodded and listened to Mama pray for me.
"Thank God there were no jotters " I giggled after a while.
Mama laughed heartily.

"Oh! Lara is waiting for you in your room" Mama informed.

"I didn't know that. Let me go and see her" I replied before heading to our room.
"Hey boo. I'm beginning to think you're the one that married me and not Khalifa" I giggled after hugging her.

"What makes you think I'd leave Abdallah for you? Hold on to your Uncle Khalifa" she rolled her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"And have you bawl your eyes out and scream at me? No thanks" she replied.

"I have no idea how I'll live with him Lara, I don't......I don't think I have feelings for him anymore" I breathed out.

"I call bullshit. The only other person you have loved apart from Uncle Khalifa was Anas; May Allah have mercy on his soul. I don't think it'll be that hard unlocking your feelings for Khalifa" she explained.

"Lara you're crazy you know? Ina ruwan temple run. I expect you to also be angry at him" I hissed.

"I honestly am. But I'm very glad that marrying him has made you inaccessible to Yusuf and that's everything to me" she sighed

"Since he told me yesterday he hasn't come to check up on me" I hissed. "Is that how marriage is?"

"Uncle K? I think he went back to Lagos this morning" Lara informed.

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