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Both Lara and I joined the entourage of conveying the bride to her husbands family.
Khalifa drove with Abdallah at the passenger seat while Lara and I made ourselves comfortable at the back seat.

"Mama almost caught Abdallah carrying me yesterday. We narrowly escaped, all because SOMEONE wouldn't put me down" she rolled her eyes.

"Well if SOMEONE didn't over do herself and danced like a headless chicken, I wouldn't have picked her up" Abdallah replied.

"If SOMEONE doesn't behave like a caveman, maybe I wouldn't have danced like that" she answered curtly.

"This is the last time this caveman would let his wife attend a wedding then" he snickered.

"Baby! You wouldn't dare" Lara said horrified.

"Yes baby, of course I would" he smiled.

Lara and Abdallah kept bickering like an old couple and I kept on laughing. I stopped laughing when My eyes fell on the driver of the car, of course I have to be reminded that I'm married always.

I hissed lowly but only him seemed to have heard me. He winked and I looked away. I heard his chuckle as he parked behind the car in front of us.

They would all leave and come back a little later with the groom.

I hissed when his car left.
"Ana so ana kaiwa kasuwa . Mama said you slept in his room yesterday" Lara wiggled her eyebrows.

"She forced me to" I replied.

"Both of you didn't come out early today, so we assumed you guys kissed and made up" she grinned.

"No way that is ever happening. We actually did the opposite, we argued this morning"

" why, what happened. You guys didn't look like you argued"

" He was being impossible, he had the guts to pick me up from the living room and bring me to his room even getting in bed next to me."

" I don't understand. You want him to sleep in the living room, when his bed belongs to him? it was you that imposed."

"Are you saying I fucked up, are you saying it's my fault? He should have asked permission first"

"Permission to do what? Sleep in his bed?"


"We'll talk about this later" she eyed me and left.

By the time Khalifa came to get me, it was late. Lara had dumped me and gone with her husband.

He smiled when I got into the car. "Hey babes. Miss me?" He asked.

"Never in your wildest dreams"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course. Miss-I-Don't-have-feelings" he hissed.

"At least I'm open with myself and not being a hypocrite" I replied wittily.

"Maybe you should say you're talking to me. Not hiding behind words" he said.

"Well maybe you too can tell my parents I don't want this" I hissed

"Why? Don't you have a mouth?" He asked.

"Whatever. Just keep quiet and drive. You're giving me a headache" I hissed.

"You got rude. Is it because we're married? You think we're mates now?"

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