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Anas drove to Khalifa's house. He's been there before so he knew the road too well.

He honked on reaching the gate and the security guard came out, he looked at him quizzically before recognizing him as one of his boss' associate.

He greeted Anas before opening the gate. Anas drove in with a huge smile on his face, excited to see his gorgeous girlfriend.

He found a space next to Khalifa's Range Rover and parked. He pressed the doorbell twice before the door flew open. Revealing a slightly annoyed Kareema, she tried calling a number and hissed before looking up to him.

Her eyes went wide and she squealed.

"Anas!" she breathed.

Anas smiled at her.

"Hi baby" he wished he could grab her and press her to his chest. She had no idea how much he missed her.

"How was your flight?" she asked leading the way to the living room.

"It was okay. The usual Nigerian flights" he said laughing.

His laugh was music to her ears, she joined in his laughter soon after.

They fell into a comfortable conversation about everything and nothing. He'd watch how her nose scrunched up when he mentioned his job.

"Baby, do you want me to quit my job?  Because I would if you want" Anas said looking at her.

Kareema turned with wide eyes. She searched for a hint of a joke in his eyes but she didn't find any.

"No. Why would you do that? I'm studying to become a nurse. It's basically the same thing" She explained.

"Well it's obvious you don't like it" Anas pouted a little.

She couldn't resist the urge to pull his cheeks so she abruptly stood up instead. He looked at her, his forehead creased.

"What?" he asked.

"Um, we're going to the beach? Tag along please" she made the cutest face she could muster.

"Anything for you baby" He smiled at her.

She sat back down and turned to him.
"Aren't you tired?" she asked but didn't get a reply.

Anas gaze on her didn't falter, in a split second, she was lost in his eyes; as he was in hers.

A cough interrupted them and she stood up abruptly, for the second time that afternoon.

Lara giggled. " She didn't even give you water or food" Lara tsk-ed ignoring her best friend's glare.

"Hi Lara. Nice to see you" Anas said and she smiled at him.

"Lara could you get Uncle Khalifa? Tell him Anas is here" Kareema asked.

Lara turned on her heels and disappeared into the hallway.

"Come baby, let's get somethings from the car" Anas said standing up. Kareema followed closely behind, admiring how good sweatpants looked on his legs.

He handed her two huge shopping bags. "That's for you" he said.

He brought out two medium sized ones. "The purple is for Lara, the pink for his wife" he explained.

Kareema giggled at how he addressed her cousin.

They went back into the house and she went to change.

"Hey man" Uncle Khalifa greeted when he saw Anas. Truth be told, Anas is one of his best friends but both of them having feelings for the same girl didn't sit well with him.

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