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"You should apologize K" Lara said.

I hissed in reply as I paced back and forth in the room biting my finger nail.

"I'm serious, stop ignoring me" she said again.

"I know Lara! It's embarrassing and I feel really guilty" I said finding a spot on the floor to sit on.

"Anas will forgive you even before you ask" Lara spoke again.

"Lara can you keep quiet and let me think?"I raised my voice.

"Okay ma'am. I'll be in the living room" she said standing up and leaving the room.

After much thought and consideration, I still came up with nothing. I picked my phone and trudged downstairs to find Lara.
She was sitting on the counter spreading peanut butter and nutella on a single piece of bread.

"Hey bestfriend" I greeted but I got ignored.

"Amina Laraba Kabir Maishanu" I half yelled calling her complete name. She turned to me raising her eyebrows.

"Can you keep quiet Kareema? I'm trying to eat" she turned back around and shoved her bread in her mouth.

Ok wow. That didn't feel good.

"I'm sorry. You know I can't do without you right?" I asked.

"No K. I do not know that" she said before stuffing her face again.

"Oya I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that" I apologized and she beamed.

"Now. That wasn't so bad was it? I have the perfect way for you to apologize and also listen to what Anas has to say"

I just nodded.

"What's his favorite meal?" she asked.

"Uhhhhh.....he really likes spaghetti, doesn't matter what you do with it" I answered and she smiled.

She got off the counter, returned each jar and the bag of bread to where she got it from and used some tissue to clean where she ate. I laughed. Ya Asa will skin her alive if she left any mess.

She opened the cupboard and brought out one pack of spaghetti.

"Ya Asa and Captain will have lunch at wherever it is they went to so we'll just cook for Anas and the both of us" she said bringing out some sausages and tomato from the freezer.

"You want to invite him for lunch?" I asked my eyes went wide.

"What? No. Captain will kill us if we stay under the same roof with a man" she chuckled.

"You'll take lunch to him and apologize" she smirked.

"You mean go to his house? He lives alone Lara. I can't do that" I shook my head in negation.

"Dude. Anas would be at work by now" Lara laughed.

"Um. He said he'd be on a leave so we'll have fun" I said.

She rolled her eyes.
"Well you haven't been talking to him for over two days, he obviously went back to work." she explained and I understood her point.

"I'm just cooking the spaghetti, you do the sauce" she said reaching upwards for a pot.

"I never said i was going to cook Lara. It's your idea, you should do it" I hissed but still put the vegetables in the sink showering water on them.

"You don't know, he might fall in love with my cooking and decide he wants me instead" she flipped her imaginary hair.

"Ha Ha Ha. Very funny Bro" I tsk-ed and went back to work.

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