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I had just finished praying subh when Khaleel decided to blare my ears off.

Dirty diaper I assume, I took him to the bathroom and gave him a very warm bath then dressed him up before taking him to his parents.

I went back to my room and decided round two of sleep was really worth it. Not forgetting to reply Lara's .

Woke up fine???  Text and her numerous I miss yous.

Just before I shut off my phone, I saw an Instagram notification. I touched it and a certain Mujahid Yusuf has just followed me.

I followed him back and he immediately sent me a DM.

sorry I kind of peeped on your phone when we were on the plane. Ice cream???? Today????Please????

Not a hello, or a hi like other rational people.

Hi Mujahid, a good morning to you too. I hope you slept well and No to the ice cream, maybe some other time.

I quickly replied. I hope he catches on my sarcasm. I turned of my data connection before I found out.
I helped Ya Asa prepare a hearty breakfast of yamballs and fresh fruit juice, her husband absolutely loves anything done with yam. I could hear his and Khaleel's giggles from upstairs and I silently pray I'll get someone as understanding as Captain when i get married. Again.

Anas would have been the best though.

We laid breakfast on the dining table and Ya Asa went to get Khaleel so Captain could take his bath, I also decided to take my bath first too because they eat breakfast together in this house.

I picked up my phone after dressing up and took a couple of selfies and sent them to Anas. I head the "pings" from my bag. Yes. I still send him pictures and messages. I still sent him snaps, I still tagged him on stuff on Instagram and Twitter.

My phone vibrated and it was Lara. This girl checks up on me every minute
No Lara, I'm not suicidal.

"Hey boo, what's up?" I greeted immediately I picked.

"We're pregnant" Abdallah screamed.

"For real??? Alhamdulillah" I screamed and started jumping around.

"Yeah but for some reason your friend is here sulking" he said.

"pass her the phone" I instructed and he did.

"How old are you? Why is it that you don't have sense most of the time? Uhhm? are you not grateful for Allah's blessings??? Or do you want to exchange places with me? Do you want to feel how it feels to be a widow?? If no, you better stand up, give Abdallah a huge hug then go show Allah your gratitude you ungrateful bitch" I scolded.

I had a feeling she listened then I hung up the phone then ran out of the room, eager to go and tell Captain and Ya Asa the good news.

They called Lara and Abdallah immediately. Lara was surprisingly shy and kept on calling me a blabbermouth. Well, I had the best teacher.


"I can stay with you if you want. I'll just call Captain to bring Khaleel's supplies later" Ya Asa said.

I shook my head in negation. I needed to do this. Alone.

"It's fine Ya Asa, I'll be fine" I told her. It sounded to me like I was convincing myself instead of her.

She nodded and hugged me. "Call me when you change your mind okay? I'm proud of you" she smiled before pecking my cheek.

I opened the door and entered.
Everywhere was dark even if it was just a little over 1pm. This is what Anas and I wanted, a dark house.

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