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Mama came in smiling, like she has just gotten a huge amount of money.

"Good morning dearie" she greeted.
I nodded before getting my notebook from the side drawer.

Why are you so hyper this morning? I wrote.

It took her a few seconds to read.
"Nothing love. Your father sends his regards. Here are your clothes, get dressed we're going home" she informed.

Abba is angry because of what happened right?

"No silly, of course he's not. If anything, everyone can say we're all happy things turned out this way" she replied.

I was confused. Was Mujahid really that bad?

What did he tell the guests at the mosque?

"He didn't really have to tell them anything. I'll go see your doctor and collect your drugs. Lara went to the gynecologist, we're going home together"

I nodded and took out my clothes, I got dressed and took out my phone from the bag. I was silently hoping to see a text or call from Mujahid but I got nothing.

Something kept bugging me and I knew I had to speak to him. There's something I should get back before Lara finds out.

The knock on the door made me drop my phone. The door went open and Uncle Khalifa came in.
I smiled widely at him but I received a stiff nod in response.

Nice to see you too. Why haven't you left yet? The first sentence is sarcastic BTW.  I wrote

That earned a smile from him.
"I know it is. I had to cancel my flight for unfortunate reasons. And I can't exactly leave without my br........"

"Khalifa! My baby, I thought Isah was coming to get us" Mama cut him off.
He groaned at her endearment for him and both Lara and I burst into laughter. Mine was soundless though.

"Mama, they're laughing at me" he whined.
That made everything funnier

"Ignore them. They're just jealous" she told him as she stuffed some stray items into the bag.

I knelt in front of Abba. I hope he understands I'm apologizing.
"Oh come on Kareema, you haven't done anything wrong. Mujahid and his family are cowards" Abba said.

I nodded. He waved me over and I came towards him to sit next to him.

"Try and get better. Okay? I have news for you when your voice returns" Abba beamed.

I nodded with tears in my eyes and hugged him. "I love you too my baby" he said after letting me go.

I left the room eager to find Lara and catch up. It's been so long.

I met her snapping mirror pictures in front of our floor length mirror.

"Hey! Out of my pictures, these are for Abdallah" she whined.

I took my notebook.

You saw him a few hours ago.

"Yeah. Today is exactly my fourth month and Abdallah keeps track of how much bigger me and my stomach get" she informed.

You and my brother in law are goals. I'm legit swooning right now.

"Of course you are. I can see your face" she giggled.

"Ya Asa called to find out how you are holding up. I explained to her and I really hope you're not mad I picked your call"

Oh come on Lara. I'd pick your husband's call when you're not close. I wrote.

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