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Our plane touched down Lagos airport at 12: 25pm. With the process and everything, we came out of the airport to the sunny Lagos sky by 1.
Lara's luggage was missing and we had to find it. Nigeria!

"Who's coming to get us?" I asked Lara.

"Uncle Khalifa obviously. Who else?" Lara rolled her eyes. I almost laughed at her. She wasn't the one for stress.
She was in fact allergic to stress.

She walked tiredly and I went to help her with her trolley.

"Thank you" she muttered gratefully readjusting her hand bag.

"Ajebo" I put my tongue out.

"Real mature Kreem" she rolled her eyes.

Uncle Khalifa was leaning on his sleek black Range Rover when my eyes fall on him. It was obvious Lara hasn't seen him yet.

"Lara he's here" I threw my head in the direction he was. She followed my head movement and squealed, earning a few glares from other people. She didn't care as she ran up to the car and got inside.

I watched as she let out a breath, guess the AC was on.

"Hi, Uncle Khalifa!" I greeted and he just nodded his head. He scanned me over and came to collect our luggage and place them in the car.

I opened the back door and sat behind Lara.

"lallai Lara. What if I was kidnapped or stolen? See how you ran off without me!" I complained.

She turned and smiled sheepishly.
"I'm sorry k. Wallahi it was so hot and I'm so tired" I apologized.

I wanted to reply when the door opened and Uncle Khalifa entered the car. There was pin drop silence.

"How was your flight?" he asked no one in particular.

You can trust Lara on this. She answered him and went ahead to tell him what and what happened, even the big burly man that exchanged seats with me.

I rolled my eyes and put on my earpiece. My phone rang almost immediately. Oh my baby.

"Hey baby. You just arrived ko? How was your flight?" came Anas' voice.

"Wallahi Anas I suffered. The lady next to me kept snoring in her sleep. It was an hour and some minutes fa but she managed to sleep. Can you imagine?! All in all, our flight was fine Alhamdulillah" I said.

I raised my eyes and they met Uncle Khalifa's frowning face on the rear view mirror. I quickly averted my gaze.

"Oh wow. It's all good then. Have you reached his house yet? Who came to get you?" he asked.

"We haven't reached yet, Uncle Khalifa came to get us. Lara says HI, did I tell you how Lara's luggage got missing? Oh this Nigeria"

Anas' laugh filled my head.

"Tell Lara I say HI. And Khalifa too" he said.

I removed one earpiece. "Lara Anas says HI. Uncle Khalifa he's greeting you too" I said cheerily.

"Tell him I'm expecting him soonest" she gushed. I turned to Uncle Khalifa. His face was stoic.

"Lara said she's expecting you soon. Uncle Khalifa says HI too" I said to him.

"Okay baby, I'll call you later. Love you, bye" he said.

"Alright, bye" I hung up.

I tapped on my Muslim Pro app and listened to the ninety nine names of Allah.

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