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Mujahid and I met up a couple of times during the week and Amatullah was always dragging me along the streets of Abuja.

They're a welcome distraction and I appreciate them.
Uncle Khalifa has been calling me as frequently as Lara is, I know I love Anas but I don't think anything is enough to make me kill myself.

As If on cue, Lara called.

"Hello, Lara?" I greeted.

She breathed out in relief

"Where were you? I called thrice" she whined.

"Uh..... I was downstairs, getting the door. What's up?" I answered.

"Please K, be with your phone at all times okay? You gave me a scare" she lectured.

"Lara since you brought it up, let's talk about it" I said.

"Talk about what?" She asked, unsure.

"Why do you keep checking up every minute of the day? Abdallah really gives you that much money to buy credit? Or is it that I'm your only friend??" I enquired.

"Kareema you're my best friend. I'd hate it if something ever happens to you" she said, her voice going low.

"Nothing is going to happen okay? I'm not going to do anything to myself Lara, please believe me" I said, getting teary all of the sudden.

"I know I should trust you but I'm scared, you cry at every interval, I'm starting to think you're depressed. I can't let that happen to you" Lara cried from the other end.

"Lara I promise you, I would never do something to hurt myself intentionally. Wallahi. And Uncle Khalifa is coming tomorrow, he's introducing me to someone, I'll start seeing somebody. I promise" I explained.

"What? Like a therapist?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'm going to get better Lara. For you, Mama, Anas and everyone else. I promise" I sniffled.

"Okay. Thank you.............wait, you and Khalifa huh????" She asked.

I chuckled. This girl doesn't let anything past her.

"No. Nothing is there. He's just looking out for me, as always" I replied.

"Hmmmph. I don't believe you" she hissed.

I took this opportunity to ask of Mujahid.

"Hey, I ran into a cutie on the plane. Architect Mujahid Yusuf" I started.

"Turns out both Captain and Ya Asa know him, do you?" I conveyed.

"Cute, tall and handsome? That's Captain cousin. He's bad news K, he's a manipulative bastard. Don't go there" Lara warned.

"Don't go where? Gee Lara, have faith in me a little. I just asked because he seemed comfortable with Captain." I quickly covered up.

"Kreem I know you, I've spent my entire life with you. Just stop whatever it is you have started. You and him are not in the least bit compatible" she argued.

"Why? What'd he do to all of you anyways?" I asked.

"I'll tell you when next we meet. Okay? I'll call back later, Abdallah needs me to give him a massage, he ran into the table in the living room" Lara giggled before she understood what she had just done.

"I'm so sorry, K. I didn't mean to" she apologised.

"Lara, it's fine, wallahi. Anyways you never told me when you decided to have a baby. Was it one of those days when you'd run off to Abdallah's room? Or in the afternoons when I was not around???" I asked.

"I....uh.....i don't know what you're talking about K, I gotta go. Bye! Love you!" And the line went dead.

Karima chuckled and kept the phone, only then did she notice Lara's four missed calls, Uncle Khalifa's five missed calls and Mama's three.

She groaned and called Mama.

"Mamana!" She squealed.

"I understand you're fine. Bye Kreem" Mama grinned.

"Mama, I know you miss me, won't you ask me to come home?" I asked, hurt. Mama never asks me when I'll be back, neither does Baba.

"Kareema, losing someone is not baking a cake. I know you're trying to heal. Take all the time you want okay? Everyone's healing process is different. If you want, I can come over and we'll rent a house, and we can live there together. I don't mind" Mama told her.

Karima's eyes glazed with tears.

"No, it's fine Mama, I asked Ya Asa if she wanted me to leave but she declined. Captain is traveling by the end of the week and he'll be gone for three months. She wants me to stay with her" I explained.

"Thats okay dear, as long as you're not overstaying your welcome. Now, how are you?" Mama asked.

"I'm fine, Alhamdulillah Mama" I replied

"No, really K. How are you?" Mama asked again.

Karima hiccuped. "Mama, it's hard. It's so hard, sometimes I'm at cross roads, not knowing where to go, and sometimes the path is clear, Mama I'm so confused, I just wish You or Baba could tell me what to do" I cried.

"Khalifa says he's going to you tomorrow, please just listen to him and do what he says okay? Your father and i love you. So, so much. Always remember that okay?"

"Always Mama. Thank you"

"Now get some rest. Okay?" She asked and I nodded.

"My regards to Muflihah and Mufida" I haven't spoken to them in weeks.

"Will do, K. Take care of yourself" Mama said and I nodded.

Khalifa's phone call came immediately Mama dropped hers. I'm overwhelmed at the love these people show me.

"Uncle Khalifa" I greeted.

"Hey, how are you? I've been calling you" he answered.

"I was talking to your mother, she was chocking me with love" I said.

I heard his chuckle.

"I'll also choke you with love" he laughed.

And my heart skipped a beat. I have forgotten the last time I'd felt this way.

"And so will Lara, Yusuf and Isah. And everyone around you" he laughed.

I almost hissed. Of course.

"Oh thank you, I might just grow another heart" I  laughed, he joined me.

"Have you finished packing? How long are you staying for?" I asked him.

"Someone's missing me I see. Can't wait to see me love? " He asked.

"Don't delude yourself, Uncle. I just need a familiar face around" I smiled to myself, I knew he was going to make a fuss.

"I'm just a familiar face to you? Okay then. I'm not coming anymore" he hissed.

I laughed.

"You can't change your mind now, you have already booked your flight, and it's non-refundable. Before you say anything, guess how Baba would react if you missed your flight on purpose" I grinned.

He groaned. " I can see you have this all figured out. Well a familiar face is coming to you first thing tomorrow morning. In Sha Allah." He laughed.

"I'll be expecting you" I smiled.

"Okay KK. I'll call you later, gotta start packing" he said.
Khalifa always forgets something when he travels, reason being he packed at the last minute.

"Alright, bye" I said before hanging up.

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