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Two weeks later.


It has been two weeks since Uncle Khalifa got married. I haven't heard from him ever since. Anas left almost immediately after the wedding saying there's an emergency in the hospital and he had to be there.

Ya Isah went back to Maiduguri too and Mufida and Muflihah went back to their boarding school in katsina.

Ya Kubra was taken to Lagos because Baba handed over the new branch to him. She has called me thrice since then.

The house was practically empty. Only Mama, Baba and I remained. School was resuming in two weeks and I am extremely about it. Even Lara has deserted me all because Abdullahi, Abdallah as she now makes me call him stays in Kano.

My phone rang and the name that appeared made me awww.

My Doctor😚

I quickly answered the call ecstatic to hear his voice.

"Hey beautiful" He said, his voice tired.

"Hello Likita. Hope you're good?" I asked.

"I'm fine Nurse. Just a little tired" he breathed.

"awww. I'm sorry about that. When do you get off work?" I asked.

"Not anytime soon. I have two breast lump removal surgery in fifteen minutes" he conveyed and I cringed. I suddenly got jealous. Why does he have to be a doctor.

"Ohhh. Have you eaten?" he asked.

"Yes I have. Have you?" I could hear him shake his head.

"Not yet. Some pizza would have lightened up my day" he chuckled.

"You have fifteen minutes right?" I asked.

"Um hmm. I just want to talk to you all day" he whined.

"I'm sorry. Mama is calling me. Call you right back" I said quickly. I didn't wait for him to reply before cutting the call.

I picked up my other phone and called a number. Made the order and quickly transferred the fees.

I called him back immediately I was done.

"Hey" I greeted.

"Hi baby. So fast?" he asked.

"Yeah. It was nothing serious" I lied.

"Okay. Um....... Ummi asked of you. She didn't get to meet you during the wedding. Could you go see her?" I could already tell he was scratching his head.

"Yeah. I'll just text Adama to find out when she'll be home" I said.

I could hear his smile. "Great. Are you properly dressed? Can we shift to video call?" he asked an I nodded.

I was wearing a long-sleeved pink shirt and jeans. I pulled the drawer closest to me a pulled out the very first hijab I touched and wrapped it around me. His call came in and I picked.

A smile appeared on his face. I could really see how exhausted he was. He wasn't the only doctor in the department. They should allow him to rest. Gaskiya when we get married I won't allow him to...............
What the hell? We've been dating for only a week and I'm already thinking of marrying him?
Way to go brain. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey baby" I heard his voice.

"What's up? You've never given me a tour of your office." I said looking at the four edges of the screen.

"I'll show you when you come to Abuja." he grinned.

"If I come to Abuja. There's honestly nothing that'll bring take me there" I corrected.

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