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Being dunked in the cold water felt refreshing and I had no idea why Anas was mad, I still followed behind him.

"Where are we going?" I asked the second time and I got ignored.

"Where the hell are you going to?" I heard Uncle Khalifa's voice.

I turned around surprised and I heard a little hiss from Anas.

"That's none of your business" Anas seethed turning around and getting defensive.

"She's my responsibility, I have to know where you're taking her." Uncle Khalifa replied with equal vigor.

"She's my girlfriend and I take her wherever I want as long as she's willing to go" Anas replied angrily going closer to Uncle Khalifa.

Uncle Khalifa clenched his fists and I could almost see the last thread holding him back snap.

"Hey, Uncle Khalifa. I'm going with Anas, he's taking me somewhere to change, we'll be back soon" I got in their middle pushing my hands forwards.

The kimono dropped from my shoulders and I saw Uncle Khalifa's gaze wander.

He averted his gaze and turned around going back to where we came from.
Anas also turned around leaving me. I picked up my kimono and ran after him.

We got to his car and he opened the persenger side for me and I slid in.
He started the car and reversed out of the parking lot.

"The AC is too cold for me" I said offing it.

"Well if you hadn't been careless, you'd be dry and not have your clothes sticking to your chest" Anas let out. I could tell he was angry for whatever reason.

"I didn't get into the water intentionally and my clothes weren't sticking to anywhere" I defended.

"We could ask Khalifa where his eyes were the entire time you were wet" Anas hissed.

"So I got wet intentionally to seduce him? Is that what you're saying?" I asked getting annoyed by the minute.

"You can't expect me to know, you've lived with him your entire life I'm sure you know where his mumu buttons are" Anas replied curtly.

I kept shut. I'm sure Anas was mad but arguing will take us no where.

"Let's just get married" Anas said after a long while.
I ignored him.

"I'm sorry Babe, I got slightly jealous. I didn't mean.........." I cut him off.

"Slightly jealous? You can do better Anas. You were angry" I hissed.

"I'm sorry" he said quietly.

I smiled and little and ignored him.

"Let's get burgers?" he asked and I gingerly nodded. The fight we had, completely forgotten.

Anas took me home and I changed before going back out for burgers.


"It's getting late Anas. Let's get back" I said turning to him.

After burgers, we went for a ride, Anas has been refusing to take me home.

"Why? It's just 7" he whined

"Anas are you serious? You know I stay in Uncle Khalifa's house Ko, he might not let me go out tomorrow" I informed.

He groaned and quickly switched lanes.

A driver yell profanities and said something in his dialect. Anas and I burst into laughter and he sped up.

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