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Mujahid grinned.

"Are you stalking me?" He asked the equally stunned Karima.

"Of course not. I don't have that kind of free time" she answered him.

"You never responded to my DM" he said.

"I did" she replied.

"Not the one with your sarcastic comeback Karima, I sent another one" he rolled his eyes and she chuckled.

She stared at him for a while, how was she to tell him she totally ignored his message?

"What did you say this time Mujahid?" She asked

"I asked for your number" he replied.

She smiled.
"Tell you what, how about you give me your number, then I'll call you?" She asked.

"You're bluffing. You won't call me" Mujahid said, seeing through her lies.

She rolled her eyes.

"That or nothing Architect" she smirked.

"Promise you'll call me?" He asked
He knew he was treading on thin ice, but building something with her is an opportunity he didn't want to pass on.

"Okay. I'm going" she said pressing the unlock key of her car and it opened.

He quickly blocked her path making her to step backwards and taking her hand off the door knob.

"Okay, your phone" he demanded. She smiled a little before handing him her phone.
She was quick to collect it back before he dialed his own number.

She slid into the car and was about to close the door when he held on to it.

She groaned and he smiled.

"Can we have lunch later?" He pushed his luck.

"Goodbye Mujahid" she smiled and he closed the door.

Mujahid watched her reverse then drive off. One thing was sure, he's definitely interested in her, he wants to know more about her and possibly make her fake smiles real.
"Hello?" Karima greeted when she received the call.
She silently waited for the shuffling to stop.

"Hey, I'm so sorry about that, the kids are being a handful. My name is Amatullah Saleh, I was given your number by Debby from Solefit Interiors. She said you had a dining table and six chairs?" The woman explained.

Karima smiled, making a mental note to thank Deborah later. The dining table was the last belonging in the house, she has managed to sell and donate all the other things. The lady she was talking to about the house will come by the weekend.

"Hey Amatullah, can I call you that? I'm really glad you called. I'll send you the pictures immediately after this. The chairs still have the leathers on. We can also discuss the price on WhatsApp if that's okay?" She proposed, already getting friendly with her.

"That's perfect! Thank you Karima. Have a great day, my regards to the family"

"Okay. Bye" Karima grinned. Looks like Amatullah's cheerfulness is rubbing off on her already.

She saved her number on her phone and proceeded to snap pictures of the table and chairs then sent it to her.

She was about to the leave the almost empty house when her phone rang. She glanced at it, it was Ummi. The woman called her three days in a week.

"Salamu alaykum Ummi" she greeted after picking the phone. She could hear Ummi's smile.

"Wa alaykum salam dear, how are you? You're not stressing yourself ko?" She asked.

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