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"Where are you taking her Khalifa? What is this all about?" Anas asked following behind us.

"Not your business Anas. Go back inside or leave" he snickered.

I pulled away from Uncle Khalifa forcefully.

"That was rude Uncle Khalifa. Anas go back in and eat, I'll handle this" I addressed.

"Are you sure? " he asked, worry evident in his voice.

"I'm sure" I gave a wide smile and he nodded before going back inside.

"With all due respect Uncle Khalifa, what the fuck is your problem?" I screamed.

"Would you shut up or you want me to hit you? Are crazy? Watch your tone girl" he warned.

I scoffed. "Do you have a problem with me? Or Anas?" I asked, a little calmer this time, scared out of my wits.

"Yes. Yes I do. I do not want to see him around you. Or any other man for that matter" He flared.

"Are you kidding me? You're getting married Uncle Khalifa. I'm trying my best not to freak out, Anas's presence helps. You have no right to tell him to stop talking to me" I explained with tears in my eyes .

"I said I don't want you around him. I don't want you around any guy" he yelled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're mine damn it!" he shouted.

I'm sure everyone would have heard our shouts if not for the generator that was on.

"No! I'm not yours Uncle K. You're getting married. You have lost every right to claim me. You said me and you had nothing. You know fully well how much I love you" he looked surprised.
"I love you and it hurts me so bad that I can't have you" I shouted without thinking.

"Well I'm sorry if I made you feel that way but me and you can't be. I don't have feelings for you Kareema. I love Kubra" he said.

"Then do not come between Anas and I. Don't interfere in what we have. I'm warning you" I wiped my tears.

"Are you threatening me K? Oh wow, a day with him and you have already forgotten your manners" He faked surprise.

"I'm not threatening you Uncle K. I'm just telling you. You've lost the right to tell me who to see" I said in a calm voice.

"I haven't lost anything K. I will do whatever I please" he turned around and left.

I dragged my heavy legs and broken heart back into the House. Both my sisters were asleep when I entered so I didn't receive any of Mufida's questions.

I went in the bathroom and washed my hands, perform abulution and prayed isha.
I was still on my prayer mat when my phone rang.

"Baby" Anas breathed after a long pause. No way I'm picking up an unknown number and speaking first.

"Hey Anas" I greeted.

"Are you good? Or do I need to hit someone. Your uncle in particular."

I laughed at him." No Anas. I'm fine" I declined and I could hear him breath out.

"I'm sorry if you didn't get to eat enough" he spoke calmly.

"Oh. It's no big deal. Muflihah was generous enough to leave me half the burger" I told him and he chuckled.

"Will it do? I could get your something else if you want" he offered.

"No don't worry Anas. It's fine. Besides I think they have closed the gate for the night"

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