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Sitting down on my bed, I sighed. Relief? No. Anger.

I thought I broke your heart or something

I scoffed. Or something? Or something?
How could Uncle Khalifa do that? How could he do that to me?

Tears welled in my eyes. The pain I feel is unbearable. I tried to blink them back but they kept falling.

"are you fine? Are you feeling sick?" Mufida asked coming closer to me.

"Get out!" I screamed at her and she scrambled away.
I put my head on my pillow, I could smell Uncle Khalifa. I sat up and looked at the pillow.

'Uncle Khalifa I told you that dry cleaner is careless. He only brought back my bedspreads without the pillow case" I pouted looking at him.

He turned to face me. "For real? Come, I'll borrow you one of mine" he said leading the way to his room.

I never returned it.

It hurt so much but no one knew I had feelings for him. Except him of course. I closed my eyes and prayed for sleep.

I woke up past 10 to a gnawing stomach. I rubbed my stomach in a useless attempt to soothe it.

I groaned and got out of bed. Both of my sisters were asleep and I thanked God for that, I couldn't handle a question and answer session right now.

I slowly made my way down the stairs. Everywhere was dark. Looks like everyone has retired for the night.

As I approached the kitchen, I could hear Uncle Khalifa's faint voice. I decided to tiptoe to see who he was speaking to.

I saw him on the kitchen counter holding his phone to his face. He wore a huge smile and for a second I forgot what was going on and was about to scare him when I heard her voice.

"Babyyyyyy" she whined.

"Na'am Baby" he mimicked her and she groaned.

I silently scoffed.  Wai itama ta iya shaggwaba

The sight before me made me forget any plans for eating and i turned my heel and headed upstairs.

I crept inside the room thanking God our tell-tale door didn't wake anyone of them.

I sat on my bed and looked around. My eyes caught sight of a familiar long triangular pack. I reached forward and picked up the brown packed Tobelerone and tore it open.

My stomach groaned again and I prayed the chocolate holds till morning. 
I searched for my phone. I hadn't used it all day and I'm sure to have a missed call or two.

I found my phone underneath the covers and pressed the power button.

A missed call or two? Scratch that. I had 27 missed calls from Lara and three from Mama. Maybe she was looking for me to help her with something. I shrugged and dialed Lara.  She picked on the first ring.

"Subhanallah baby are you okay?" came her exhausted voice.

I nodded, when I remembered she couldn't see me I muttered "Yeah. What happened?"

"What happened? Are you kidding me? Uncle Khalifa is fucking getting married? What about you?" Lara rushed.

I chuckled. "Ya zan yi? He made it look like I caught feelings own" I told her.

"He told you that?" she shouted.

"He implied it" I shrugged.

"You know what? I'm coming first thing in the morning. In Sha Allah.

"Alright Lara. Goodnight" Karima spoke lowly before she hung up.

I got on instagram and checked Kubra's page. Why I was stalking her? I doesn't know.

Her heart broke into a thousand pieces when she saw their pre-wedding pictures.

"Blue is your favorite color!  Are you a kid" Uncle Khalifa chuckled, the discovery baffling him.

Karima shrugged. "What's your favorite color?" she asked, turning to him.

"Ummmm......yellow?" he scratched his neck.

"Laaaa. It's blue! You love blue too" she concluded laughing.

"Let's agree to disagree then. But navy blue is king" he finally gave in.

Karima let out a chuckle. " I love navy blue" she told him.

I shook my head as if it would help in clearing the memories, she looked at him dressed in a navy blue attire. His zanna bukar  cap sitting majestically stylish on his head. I could barely notice the striking beauty next to him.

Kubra had her arm hooked in his elbow as she wore a matching navy blue dress.

The love of my life, the yin to my yang, my better half. Count down to a month! I'll finally have you to love, to hold, to cherish. I love you so much baby.

I read the caption out loud and scoffed. Nonsense ne ba yin ba. I hissed and went on his page.

I didn't wait around to read the caption, I just went off and dropped the phone.
I pulled my system closer to me and lightly pressed on the power button. It  instantly lit up revealing the picture we took last Eid. Uncle Khalifa and I had wide smiles on our faces and he had an arm around me.

I quickly double tapped the space bar before my sobs became too audible.

I walked briskly, it was almost time before he got home and I wanted to keep his food in his room before he gets back. I really don't need another encounter with him.

I pushed the open without saying salaam and I almost bolted when I saw the sight before me. I guess they heard me because they sprung apart. Kubra let out a sigh of relief when she saw me. Like I didn't matter. She still don't make a move to get off him.

I strongly willed my legs to move as I went further to drop the tray on the table. His eyes were on me all through.

"Hey, how are you?" Kubra greeted.

"Oh I'm sorry Ya Kubra. I'm fine Alhamdulillah, congratulations on your upcoming wedding"

She beamed when I mentioned the wedding. "Thank you little sis"
She got off him and came over to engulf me in a hug.
He just sat there looking at me. As if he was reading me.

I turned around and turned back almost immediately. She has gone back to her former position, straddling him.

"uhhh.... Ya kubra?" she turned her head.
"Should I get you food? Or you're coming inside later?" I asked swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I'm a little bit busy, I'm not actually hungry. Thanks love" she winked and I smiled.

Sometimes it's impossible to hate her. She gave me half of the abayas I own and most of my veils. She's just too nice.

I almost reached the outer door that would lead me to the compound when someone held my wrist. I knew it was Uncle Khalifa.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" I said.
He nodded his head. "Thanks" he said and went back in leaving me with many pieces of my heart to mend.

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