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I waited a while to see him laugh and say he was joking but he didn't.
I still gave him a little more time, he must really want me to believe he's telling the truth.

I picked up my fork and reached over to him and stabbed him a little.

"Ow. What was that for?" he asked.

Okay. Anas isn't lying.

"You're married?" I asked, hurt laced my voice. Even I could hear it.

I had already started making up scenarios in my head. Was he playing with me? Does he want a second wife? Why the hell didn't uncle Khalifa tell me?

Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Baby I was married. Please don't cry"  I heard his voice.

Was. But that still doesn't change the fact that he lied to me.

"Please don't leave me" he said ducking his head. As if he knew I was going to stand up and leave.

I sat down. Just then, our food was brought but I didn't want anything at that moment. I just wanted to go home, I didn't even want to talk to Anas anymore, I felt hurt, betrayed, I trusted Anas and this is what he did to me.

"Anas I'm not hungry, take me home" I said coldly.

His face held hurt and I was glad I achieved what I wanted. I wanted to hurt him too.

"Please just eat something, please" he begged.

I stood up abruptly. "If you aren't taking me home, I'll find my way" I half screamed and grabbed my bag.

I went to find his car and stood by it. I've been to Abuja plenty times but I have no idea where to go. I don't even know the area the house was located. I had no idea how to get home.
I pulled out my phone and tried downloading the uber app but network was slow.
I just leaned on his car and waited for him.
He came out few minutes later his eyes frantically searching for me. His facial features relaxed when his eyes fell on me, he lightly ran towards me.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier, it's a sore topic for me" he said.

I grabbed the keys from his hand, dropping his phone in the process, I pressed the unlock button and opened the door.

"Please just take me home" I begged.

He nodded slowly, bent over to pick his phone and got into the car, I passed him the key without looking at him. I noticed his phone blinking, I had completely broken his screen.

I gulped. I'm such a fool.

"Baby just listen to me please" he said but the tears I've been holding started falling slowly.

"I know I should have told you but we just started going out few weeks ago and I didn't think it was right for me to tell you I was married, would you go out with me if I told you I was?" he asked.

"Yes Anas. I would, I would have, because what I feel for you is real. I trusted you Anas" I replied him.

This time, he saw tears in my eyes.

"Please don't cry. I swear I've been wanting to tell you for a while but I......i was scared. I was scared you'd leave me" he confessed.

"Well I think I'm glad she left you, because you're a big liar. I don't want to hear it Anas. Not today at least" I hissed.

My words must have really gotten to him because he kept mum. He didn't say anything.

I just kept crying and sobbing, it's the only sound coming from the car.

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