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I can't believe how time went by. The week of the wedding is here already and everywhere was busy.
I picked up my hijab and pretended to pray when I heard someone call my name.

No way they were going to use me like a slave for the person I hate the most in the world. Yes, I said it. I now hated Uncle Khalifa. I wish he'd just disappear. Ya Kubra was too nice, I can't compete with her. There is no competition nor comparison.

"Oh, she's praying" came the voice that was calling my name. I patiently waited to hear the creak of the door signifying the person closed the door.

I stood up from the rukuu position I had maintained. I sat down on the bed and exhaled.

I picked up my phone and saw Lara's message.

Wanna hang?

You bet I want to. I quickly typed back my reply and set to get out. I put on the longest hijab I could find and went downstairs.

"Oh. You're done, come and help with the cobwebs in the guest parlour." I now recognise the voice. It was Anty Rabi, mama's friend. Is she kidding me? She followed me all the way to the room to tell me to clean the cobwebs?

I gave a stiff smile. "Uncle Khalifa asked me to collect something from Ya Kubra, I'll do it when I get back" I said smoothly.

Lara is beginning to rub off on me.

"Okay be fast and get back. No one else is going to do it" she instructed.

I nodded my head respectfully making a mental note not to come back early.
Since Anty Rabi believed my lie, I went to Mama's room and borrowed a car key, I almost left the room before going back to pick two thousand naira notes from her drawer. I'll tell her I bought fuel.

I skipped back down and hurried to the car park and drove off.
We got shawarma and milkshakes with Uncle Khalifa's atm, he had given it to me when Lara and I took Ya Kubra to a mock date to get her to reveal what she wanted as a wedding gift. As always, I knew she would pick a flashy gift. She said she wanted a mustard yellow car and a huge engagement ring. I never returned the ATM card.

We settled into the car and laid back our chairs.

"It's wrong to eat while lying down" Lara said with a mouthful.

"Of course Lara. It doesn't hurt to try something at least once" I said.

She chuckled. "YOLO. so we should learn to pursue out dreams, try things out, fall in love and all that. At least we won't regret it at the end." She explained turning to me.

"I'm sorry" she said. I think she must have seen the hurt my face carried.

I shook my head. I pulled my phone from beneath me when I felt a vibration. I typed in the password.

Message from Uncle K, it read. I hissed and tapped on it.

"What's it? Why are you hissing?" Lara asked.

I read his message and let out a dry laugh.
Lara snatched the phone away.
"What the fuck! Since when was there restrictions? He'd give you all his money If you didn't decline" she screamed almost spilling her milkshake.

I collected the phone.

"Don't use money from my account without informing me first"

Was his simple message. I laughed dryly. It was just four thousand. This guy has a little over #800, 000 in this account. This wasn't his only account.

I pressed *737# and quickly sent back the 4k. It's not that we couldn't afford it, I thought me and him were better than that.

Another ding came and I opened his message.

"I didn't say you should return it. Withdraw the 4k and give it to someone else" I read it out loud so Lara could hear.

"He's very stupid. Dubu hudu? Even Kuluwa can afford that." she said referring to their 12 year old househelp.

"Let's just ignore him. He just wants me to talk" I sighed.  She hissed and started the car.

"Let's go to my house"

I nodded as she drove away.
The house was still bustling with people when I drove in. Uncle Khalifa had lived here all his life so Mama and Baba were given the honour of marrying him off. Speaking of Baba, I haven't seen him in a while.

I lowered my chair back and called him on facetime.

"Kreeem" he dragged in an exhausted voice. Even from Lagos they're exhausting him.

"Baba" I mimicked and he chuckled.

"Hiding from work I presume?" he gave a knowing smile.

I nodded " Anty Rabi wants me to clean the cobwebs. Can you imagine!"

"Are there no men in the house? Why would a woman do a man's job? Where is Khalifa? It's his wedding preparations he shouldn't be lounging. I'll call him immediately we're done, he should help out at least" Baba ranted.

The edges of my lips twitched but I fought the urge to smile. I wasn't reporting, I was just gisting him but a result came out of the gist I guess.

"Baba when are you coming? I miss you" I whined changing the topic. His eyes softened.

"I'll come on Thursday night, I want to finish everything here so I won't go back anytime soon." he smiled.

"Alright, don't stress yourself. We'll be fine with whatever, just come home soon"

"sarkin shaggwaba don't whine me. I'll come soon, In Sha Allah" he laughed.

"Alright. Let me leave you to your work" I said

"Okay dear. I love you. Tell your mom I love her. She doesn't even have time for me anymore" he shook his head at the last sentence.

I laughed. "she's both the groom and bride's mother. She doesn't want to be lacking" I gave an excuse.

" I know right, the mother of the occasion" Baba said and we laughed.

"Take care Baba, safe trip" I said.

"Bye dear" he waved before the screen went blank.

I dragged myself out of the car after twenty minutes of pressing my phone and unfortunately for me, the first person I saw was Anty Rabi.

"Ah. You have decided to show up. I told you no one is going to do it" she pushed the long brush to me.

I sighed and just before I collected it, Uncle Khalifa snatched it from her.
He sent me a cold glare and left without answering Anty Rabi's questions.

I hissed at his retreating back making sure he heard me before turning to leave. Anty Rabi grabbed my arm.

"Go and collect it. He's the groom."

"Okay" I said going into the house with absolutely no intention of following him.

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