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Karima rushed to the chair and quickly sat down as she saw Khalifa's gaze start to wander.

She used the clothes to cover up as he laughed at her.
"Nothing I haven't seen before" he muttered under his breath but she heard him.

"Of course you have. You knocked up your girlfriend" She hissed.

"Shit. I didn't mean it that way"

"Of course you did Khalifa. How's she anyway? How far along is she? Have you guys checked the gender yet?  Are you going to marry her? Or you'll be her baby dadd........"

"Stop it! okay? Please stop rubbing it in my face" He begged.

"Why? Should I not have some sort of say over everything? I'm going to be the step mother after all" she shrugged and stood up.

"I'm leaving" she hissed making her way to the door.
Khalifa turned her around. Pressing her to the door with his body.

Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his hands on both her thighs.
"You seem to be forgetting something" He whispered.

His Ralph Lauren perfume engulfed her senses and the next thing she felt was his lips on hers.

Khalifa kissed her softly with his hands firmly on her waist. He didn't want to overwhelm her.

He moved to her neck when they were out of breath.


He hovered over her in a split second and placed his lips back on hers.

He finally let his hands wander and she didn't stop him.

The knock on the door cut them off as he quickly shifted her from the door.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Um..... why did you lock us out?" One of Abdallah's friends asked.

"I...uh...I'm kind of busy in here......I....."

"Yo! Is someone in there with you?" Someone asked.

"Uh. Yeah." Khalifa scratched his head.

"We'll come back later" Abdallah said and the voices disappeared.

"What the hell Khalifa" Karima hissed as she tried to cover up more.

"What?" He asked confused as why she was angry.

Karima feigned anger as damage control. How did she go from arguing to making out with him?

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into one of the rooms.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked as he closed the door behind her.

He stepped closer to her. "Picking up where we left of?" He smirked.
Her eyes went wide.

"Just kidding babe. Come and find something to wear" he pointed to his box and went to sit on the bed.

She took out his grey sweatpants and blue hoodie.
"Um. Can you go out? I want to change" she whispered.

Khalifa shrugged and shook his head in negation.

"You do realize you're already half naked right?" He asked.

She quickly pulled up the sweatpants and folded it.

"How many times did it fold this time?" He asked

"Five" she answered and they laughed.
She put the hoodie on her peplum top and made her way to the door.

"You lost weight. You look funny. Honestly" He laughed.

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