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I fell face down on my bed.
"Stand up. Where is he? Shege, who does he think he is?" Lara's voice came.

Subhanallah this girl is going to be the death of me.
"Lara can you please just come inside the room let's talk?" I voiced out.

She barged in. This girl has already tied her veil on her waist. Reminds me of those Hausa films we watched at her grandmas house.

"Come and sit down please" I begged.

"No o. I'm not sitting, batun zama bai ganni Ba. what? All the sacrifices you made for him? He's getting married?" she screamed again clapping her hands.

I ran to her side and tightly placed my left hand on her mouth. I thanked God that Mufliha and Mufida weren't around, they would have finally known the reason for my mood swings.

"Lara? Who got on your bad side today?" Mama asked coming into the room.
My eyes went wide and I gave Lara the eye. She pulled my hand off her mouth and squatted down to greet Mama.

"It's this your adopted child Mama, I've forgotten the last time she came to our house and she didn't even tell me our favorite uncle was getting married" Lara swiftly maneuvered the topic.

My mouth went wide. What? How is this girl my friend?

Mama laughed. "I'm not getting involved" she said and left.

"Lara? All these lies?"

She frowned at me. "They weren't lies. When was the last time you came? Did you tell me he was getting married?"
I shook my head and got a seat. I already lost the argument. As always.

She went straight to the mirror to check my new collection of lipstick.

"ohhh. Your lips are on point babes" Uncle Khalifa said when I stepped out.

I made different poses with my lips while he clicked away.

"What's the shade?" he asked.

I grinned"Thunder"

He laughed "I'm so striked"
And both of us burst into laughter.

"Yes Lara, you can have all of them" I answered her unasked question.
She grinned and stuffed them in her tiny bag.

"Do you think we should sabotage their wedding?" Lara whispered sitting closer to me.

"Uhhm, No. And why are you sitting so close and whispering?" I faced her.

She shrugged. "The walls have ears. Do you think he loves her?" She asked me.

"Yes. Considering I saw him shoving his tongue down her throat" I shivered at the memory.

"Ewww, they're disgusting" Lara said shaking her head.
"Allah ya shirya" she said and I eyed her.

"You're not a saint" I frowned.

"I never said i was"  she argued and I ignored her.

"Kreeem" I head Mama's voice. I quickly ran down to meet her.

"They're done with lunch. Where is Lara? You should take Khalifa's own then come and get yours." she instructed.

I groaned and went back upstairs to call Lara.
I could hear Mama saying I should leave it she'd go herself since I can't.
I laughed at her. Drama queen.

"Let's take food for the monger" I scowled when I entered the room.

"I have a plan" Lara grinned.

Oh no. Uncle Khalifa is so going to get it.

I followed meekly behind her to get the tray of food. I stood by the door waiting for her. When she was done with whatever she was doing, she picked up the food and I followed behind her.

Uncle Khalifa was sitting down leisurely with his beautiful legs spread out on the living room table.
The hairs on his legs laying neatly almost as if he combed through them.
I shook my head and proceeded further into the living room.

Lara and Uncle Khalifa exchanged pleasantries and she laughed away with him.

"When did you start dating Ya Kubra, how come you didn't tell your favorite niece?" she said pretending to be hurt.

"I'm sorry, we were so preoccupied. We started dating two years ago actually. We wanted to keep it a secret" he shrugged.

Is there a possible way to get another heartbreak?

"I thought we all were best friends?" Lara looked at him.

"I was preoccupied. Bae is a handful" he laughed.

Lara eyed him.

"Oh. Lallai I can see that. You're smitten" She muttered dryly.

"I know right. She's the First girl I have real feelings for. Like, she's everything" he explained dreamily.

I turned my face away, I couldn't look at him talking about her like that. Or any other person.

"Khalifa? Are you on your phone?" Ya kubra appeared in the doorway and I quickly averted my gaze.

Lara and Uncle Khalifa's heads wipped to the side. None of them averted their gaze.
Like it was okay looking at someone wearing a thigh length nightwear.

Uncle Khalifa literally drooled looking at her. She smiled when her eyes met Lara's and she quickly skipped to her side and engulfed her in her arms.

"Laraba, it's been long" she muttered and Lara groaned.
"I'm Lara, stop calling me that. Like a villager" Ya kubra laughed. With that, Lara melted. We sat around and talked. Mostly about the wedding and me and Lara being in charge of her friends from school, the real reason for coming here long forgotten.

"Sannu Lara, what happened to roughing him up?"I teased her.

"You're not serious. I pity Ya Kubra. We shouldn't sabotage her wedding because of something her husband did." Lara gave her excuse and I shook my head.

I can't even compete with her.
"Fiancee Lara! Fiancee" I hissed and went ahead leaving a confused Lara behind.

"I'm sorry?" it came out more of a question. She stood by the door. I knew she would bolt the moment I made a move. I almost laughed at her scared face.

"Come and make the list. Since you happily agreed to be the wedding lister" I said and turned my face away.

I didn't hear her movements so I turned around. I almost laughed when I saw her making small calculative movements towards me.

"I'm not going to hit you Lara. We're bigger than that" I sighed.

A smile appeared on her face, turning to a grin. She ran up to me and fell on the bed, face first.

I smirked and then did exactly what I said I wouldn't do. I smacked her hard on the back and her loud shrill filled the room.

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