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"Hello" I said groggily. Who dared waking me up from sleep?

"Hey. It's me" I heard his voice.

"Uncle Khalifa? Are you fine? Is something wrong with Ya Kubra?" I asked frantically.

He chuckled "No. Nothing is wrong" he said.

I sighed and then hissed " why are you calling me when it's past 1? I was already asleep" I grumbled.

"Oh sorry love. I couldn't sleep" he muttered.

"How is that my business? Don't you have a wife or something?" I asked.

"She went to Bauchi. For her friend's wedding" he said.

"Oh wow. So I'm her replacement until she gets back?" I let out a shrill laugh. "You've got to be kidding me" I hissed.

"Ya rahman! Why are you like this? No. You're not her replacement. Both of you are irreplaceable" he argued.

"And that's somehow supposed to make me feel better? Please Uncle Khalifa if you are not sleepy, I am" I shouted. I felt Lara shift in her sleep due to my voice.

"Please don't hang up" he begged.

I chuckled at how humble he got.

"Ehen. Why didn't you tell me Anas was married?" I asked.

"You guys broken up yet?" he asked coyly.

"Urhhh No. And we're not going to" I smirked.
He let out a hiss.

"It wasn't my place to tell you and I secretly hoped you'd break up with him after finding out" he confessed.

"How would me breaking up with him be of any use to you?" I asked.

"I miss you. Okay? I don't want you dating him" he said.

"You miss me or you miss me chasing after you? Have you forgotten everything? I'd have done anything for you Uncle Khalifa, anything. But what do I get in return? You got married, right under my nose. You couldn't even tell me you were dating someone. Is that how much I meant to you? Did you think so little of me?" I could already feel tears in my eyes.

"KK you would not understand" he said lowly.

"Then make me" I taunted.

"That's the point. You shouldn't have developed feelings for me. Me and you aren't going to work out Okay? Kubra and I did. So please and please try to get rid of the feelings you have for me" he screamed.

"Who the hell told you I have feelings for you?" I asked scared he had found out.

"Everyone knows. Everyone in the house knows even Baba. They all see how you look at me!" he exclaimed.

"Yes. Yes I do. I did have feelings for you, but I got rid of them immediately I found out you were getting married." I said wiping my tears.

"Are we sure about that?" he asked. Clearly daring me to say yes.

"Yes. And I'm glad I've successfully done that. Goodnight night Uncle. Please don't call me unless it's important" I hissed and hung up.

Turning to put my phone away, I met Lara's sleepy eyes.

"Uncle Khalifa?" she asked and I nodded frantically.

She sat up and pulled me into a hug while I cried quietly.

Yes I love Anas. I'd always think I'm over Uncle Khalifa but whenever he calls, or we talk, everything comes back in folds.

"No Captain! You can't do that to me" Ya Asa screamed.

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