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I waved at Abdallah then Lara came to hug me one more time before letting me go.

I didn't get the window seat and I desperately wanted to change seats with the guy next to me but he had his air pods on and was bobbing his head gently obviously listening to something.

This is going to be a long flight.

The guy next to me brought out his Macbook and stared at the screen. There were designs on it. It was obvious that the guy is an Architect.

He kept rubbing his beards while looking at the design of what seems to be a kitchen.
There was a counter in the middle that housed the sink and the cooker, the kitchen was huge that it had two ventilators. There was something missing and I could swear that's what has the guy stressed.

He kept turning the view from different angles but he still couldn't see what was wrong.

Isn't it obvious??? Even as a kid I knew what a house must contain, why can't Mr Architect decipher it??

He exited the kitchen and tried coming from the living room again.

Oh Ya Allah, I'm very close to smacking his head.
He shook his head and groaned in frustration.

I couldn't take it anymore. Before I knew it, I waved my hand between his face and his computer stytem.

He removed the air pod in his right ear. He looked quizzically at me and before he spoke, I beat him to it.

"There are no windows in the kitchen" I pointed to his screen.

"Yes! Oh my God! How did I miss that??? Thank you so much" he grinned before proceeding to draw and design a huge window in the kitchen.

In more than a few minutes, Mr Architect had removed the other air pod and asked my opinion on other parts of the house. I helped him with whatever he asked, we ended up changing a few things and adding color to others. Changing direction of windows and increasing sizes of doors.

When he was done, he turned to me and grinned.
"Thanks a lot, you really saved my house ..........." he trailed off.

"Karima. Karima Suleiman Galadima." I smiled giving him my name.

"I'm Yusuf Mujahid. It's nice meeting you" he introduced himself.

From there, we spoke about houses, friendships, life goals, e.t.c.
He was really fun and I almost forgot my worries.

"Hey! Karima" I heard someone call and he skipped over to me.

"I have my car in the parking lot, do you mind if I give you a ride?" He asked, his eyes pleading with me to say yes.

"Uhhhhh, I'm so sorry, someone is coming for me already" i said and his eyes fell.

Just on cue, captain's call came through. I picked.
"Hello Captain? Yeah I just got my luggage. On my way out right now. Thanks"

"I have to go, he's waiting for me" I said placing my phone back in my bag.

"Boyfriend?" He asked.

"Brother in-law, Mujahid" I replied.

"Can I have your number then? Maybe after my presentation I'll show my gratitude with dinner?" He asked.

"No can do Mujahid, Thank for your company. See you around" I smiled and turned to leave.

"I definitely will see you around, Karima" he called after me.

I smiled and went outside. I immediately located Captain's Lexus, it's a silver sports car. We exchanged pleasantries and started on our way.

I was to sleep with them tonight then move to mine and Anas' should have been house the next morning.
A sad smile played on my lips as I remembered the last time I was here.

I had come to attend his charity event.

He had begged me furiously and I had no choice than to come.

He gave a speech and even introduced me as his fiancee in front of everyone.

"Karima??? Oh Allah, how long will you continue to do this?? Anas is in a better place, please stop this, at this rate, you might get depressed" Captain brought her out of her trance.

"Captain you don't understand, i....I love him and I miss him so so much" I managed to say.

I used the back of my hand to wipe my tears. Even I didn't know how weeping turned into loud sobs.

Captain let me cry. To my fill.

"Let's get burgers before we go home?" Captain asked and I nodded gingerly.


I hooked Khaleel; Ya Asa and Captain's baby to my right hip then proceeded to check the door.

Immediately I swung the door open, I came face to face with the one person I never expected to see anytime soon.

"Are you stalking me Mujahid?" I couldn't help but ask.

He grinned and shook his head in negation.

"Sadly, no. I'm here for work" He replied.

"Work? In this house?" I asked confused.

"ah, Architect MJ, you're here already. K, he's my guest let him in please" Captain said coming out of the laundry room, his hands still wet.

Khaleel, for the traitor he is immediately reached out for his father when he saw him.
I hissed a little before passing him to his father after he had exchanged pleasantries with Mujahid.

I got Mujahid some water and fruits while he showed Captain some designs on his laptop, I had no idea the house I helped him design was Captain's.

"I really like the kitchen, my wife loves a kitchen that is not stuffy" Captain applauded.

"That's lovely, do I need to make other changes?" Mujahid asked.

"No MJ, that's perfect. I'll go through the details with my wife and then notify you of the next step. Thanks for making a house call also"

"Anything for the Captain, I'll be awaiting your call then" Mujahid stood up and shook Captain's hand before the both of them made their way out the door.

I went back upstairs curious about this Mujahid character.
I knocked on Ya Asa's door and she answered before I opened the door.

"Who's Captain's friend?" I asked when I sat down next to her on the bed.

"Who? Mujahid?" She asked as she took the huge container of shea butter from her dresser and started rubbing it on the scar on her stomach.
She later agreed to the CS.

I nodded.

"Nope. Don't even think about it K, he's a cousin to Captain and he's completely bad news " she warned.

"Ya Asa, I didn't say anything, we were on the same flight that's why I asked" I defended.

"Whatever the case, don't fall for his sweet words" she said.

I shrugged.

"Do you need help with that?" I asked when I saw her struggling to reach her back.

"No, Don't worry. Captain will do it later. The scar started itching me all of the sudden that's why I started without him. Go and have some dinner then get some rest." She instructed.

I nodded and left the room.

I collected Khaleel from Captain and let him attend to his wife. I ate dinner and by the time I got to my room to sleep, Khaleel has long been gone.
I unstrapped him from my back and lay him gently on the bed.

Since neither Captain nor Ya Asa came for their child, I knew I was going to sleep with him tonight.

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