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We got my our burgers to go because I couldn't eat a burger in front of him. He'll immediately hate me.

"So your parents don't stay here?" I asked sipping on my drink.

"They do. We have a house here but they are currently out of the country. You'd get to meet my sister tomorrow though. She's in town for the week" he informed. I just nodded and sipped on my drink.

"Can I have a taste?" he asked eyeing my drink.

"Oh sorry. I was very selfish" I reached for his.

"Kareema. I meant yours" he explained.

I pushed it closer to him and he drank from my straw.

"More?" I asked and he nodded.

I took a sip hesitantly after he did. I wanted to wipe the straw but he might think somehow.

"I'll be staying in your house till after the wedding. I'll extend my  stay because of you though. I'm not leaving until you give me a clear answer" he explained and blared the horn.

"Alright" I smiled.

I've never met someone like him. But then again how many guys have I met?

He found a parking space but didn't off the car. I turned to look at him.

"Let's eat before you go in. I want to spend more time with you" he said opening the brown paper bag.

"How am I supposed to eat that. I'm not comfortable" I said shyly and he laughed.

"It's supposed to be messy Kareema. You don't have any reason to be shy" He smiled and passed me one.

Oh God.

I fully unwrapped one and brought it to my lips. I looked at it quizzically and kept it back. I turned to look at him and had two bites already.

His eyes met mine.
"What?" he asked with a mouthful.

I shook my head in negation and wrapped the burger back. No way am I eating that right now.

He laughed and finished eating his. I just kept staring at him.

"K, you could have taken a picture"  he said and I ducked my head.

Way to go self!

"How old are you?" he asked

"18" I replied without thinking. He just nodded.

"I'm 25" he told me and my eyes went wide.

"Wow" I breathed out.

"What? Too old for you?" he faced me with a worried expression.

"No. That's not it. You actually look young"

He laughed.

Why does he laugh so much?

"Because life is short" he smiled.

Oh my God. I said it out loud.

"Sorry?" I asked unsure.

"Don't apologize. I like that you are thinking about me" he said.

I nodded. "Phone number?" he asked passing me his phone.

I nodded and typed in my number.

"Is it okay to call you later?" he asked.

"Sure!" I smiled opening the door.

He opened his door and walked me to the back door, ignoring stares we got from those aunties that have no jobs.

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