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I skipped downstairs in a hurry as everyone has left without me. Even Lara.

I dashed out of the house into the car as I dialed Lara's number.

"what happened to I'll wake you when it's time for the dinner? Sannu Lara, that was petty" I complained and I could hear her sigh.

"They're married you know" she said and I cut her off.
"This morning. No need to remind me" I rolled my eyes.

"Just keep shut and listen to me will you? They're married and there might be some funny business I wouldn't want you to see" she exclaimed.

Awwwn. My baby.

"Lara. I'm a big girl, I can handle a silly crush" I spoke in a much more calmer tone.

"I don't know K. I'm here for you when you need me, just know that. And get over here, Anas looks bored and keeps calling you" she laughed and I grinned.
It was past 9pm when I got there and as expected, the hall was filled to the brim.
I located Lara's table and walked up to them. Anas' face broke into a smile when he saw me and let out an audible breath of relief when I sat next to him.

"You weren't picking my calls" He muttered dryly.

"Oh Hi Anas, I've missed you too, nice to see you" I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Hello Abdullahi" I waved. He blushed and looked away. Anas, Lara and I laughed at him.
How can a guy be that shy?

"What happened?" Anas asked facing me.

"I slept off" I smiled sheepishly.

"Well you missed most of it, It's about to end. But I didn't really concentrate on anything." he shrugged.

"I should have just slept then" I pouted and he laughed.

"And miss an opportunity to see this handsomeness? I think not" he replied cockily.

"Oh my God Anas" I muttered and we laughed.

My laughs died down and I looked up to meet Abdullahi and Lara looking at us confused.

"Did we miss anything?" Abdullahi asked.

"Nope" Anas answered his eyes on Abdullahi only for a second.

"I'm bored" Anas admitted.

"Even with me here?" I mocked shock.
He grinned.
He's definitely rubbing off on me.

"Have you eaten?" he asked and I shook my head in negation.

"Okay. Let me get us food, be right back" he said and stood up.

I looked at him until I couldn't see his brown zanna bukar cap anymore. Only then did I turn my attention to Lara.

"Where's Abdullahi?" I asked and she hissed.

"We had an argument and he chose to leave" she shrugged.

"Argument? Why are you having arguments all the time?" I inquired.

"Well he doesn't seem to understand me" she turned her head away. By doing that, I knew Lara was lying.

"Lara. The truth please" She groaned.

"I accused him of flirting with Adama" she muttered lowly.

I gasped. Extra dramatically if you may ask.

"Why would you do that?" I frowned.

"Because he was" she looked away.

"How does flirting look like?" I tried looking into her eyes and she swiftly avoided mine.

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