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"You scared the crap out of me"Lara accused.

"We were about to go tell Ya Anas we couldn't find you. You aren't picking up our calls. You've been gone for hours K" Adama explained.

I looked at the time, I've been with Anas for four hours, the fact that I was on my period didn't help things. I'm always too tired when I'm on my period.

"I'm sorry, I came to get bed spreads for Ummi" I started.

"No, I came to get them from Ya Anas........wait, both of you were in that dark room together?!" realisation dawned on her.

Lara smirked. Oh Allah, I'm so dead.

"Two of you were in his room for four hours? What have you been doing?" Lara giggled wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh no, wallahi we weren't doing anything" I denied.

"Yeah, right." Adama smirked.

"Adama, he's your brother" I pointed out. She shrugged.

"You should see your brother when he's isn't being your brother" she smirked.

I closed my ears and ran past them "I don't want to hear anything that will spoil my mood" I sang at the top of my voice as I made my way down the stairs.

We haven't known Adama for long but we got closer over the past year. Her cries melted my heart and both Lara and I shed a few tears. It made me more scared of leaving Mama.

We sat with her on Ya Isah's bed and laughed about somethings. He had gone to escort the guys and asked Lara and I to keep her company before he got back.

He texted me that he was outside and I signalled to Lara that we had to leave.

Lara picked her phone and pretended to answer a call and left the room.

Coward. I mouthed when she turned to push her tongue at me.

"Adams, I'll be right back, I need to get water from the living room" I said and she nodded.
She trusted us too much for her to think we'll ditch her and run off. I scrambled away quickly and left the building completely.

I saw Ya Isah patiently waiting for us to leave in his car, I knocked on his window. He wound down, smiling.

"She's alone, go meet her before she comes out herself" I said.

"Thanks little sis. She wouldn't be coming out for a while" he winked at me and I looked at him horrified.

"I'm just kidding. This is my parents house" he corrected.

"I hate you Ya Isah" I frowned.

"I'm your favorite brother" he rolled his eyes.

"No you aren't" I screamed walking off.
"Thanks little sis" he called out and I waved without turning to look at him.
The break was soon over and all three of us were hauled in the plane back to sokoto. The only thing different than the last time was Adama snuggling into my brother's body as they watched a movie.
Lara hissed next to me.

"What?" I asked. And she motioned towards them, I turned to see them smiling at each other while they looked in eachother's eyes.


"If you don't like it, don't look at them.  Or go get married yourself" I eyed her playfully.

"Soon idiot! You'll be the only one single" she glared back.
I laughed and continued chatting with  Anas.

No matter how Anas acts manly and superior, it doesn't change the fact that I saw him cry. Twice.

He avoided me all through the remainder of the wedding because of it.

When are you sending your people?
I texted him.

You want me to? Abbu is already on standby, he's just waiting for our go-ahead.

What? Are you for real? My eyes went wide.

Of course. Do you think I'd date you just for the fun of it? Should I call him?

No Anas. You know what I said about finishing school first.

And I told you you'd finish your school, I swear I won't distract you or get in your way. I'd help you in anyway I can.

Yeah right. That's how I got a C in a course you promised you'd do an assignment on.

Babe, I completely forgot. I was going through alot.

Yeah. Whatever you say, love.

So, can I call him?



Okay, but I'll go over it with Mama, and get back to you.

Yay! I'll still call Ummi and notify her. I love you. Talk later.

Okay Anas, I'll call when we land

Love you.

Me too

I put off my phone and decided to sleep for a while. Lara was long gone and the giggles behind me made me fully aware that the newlyweds aren't going to rest their heads for the remainder of the flight.
Mama talked to Baba and I gave Anas then sign to go see them.
They talked and fixed a date to meet again for setting the wedding date.

My phone rang and I flipped it over. I've been avoiding Baba for three days   by intentionally missing his calls and giving excuses through texts.

He normally would stop calling after two times but when he called the fourth time, I had no choice but to receive the call.

"Salamu alaykum" I greeted.

"Wa alaykissalam. Is the bride to be so busy that she misses her father's calls everyday?" he taunted.

I groaned. This was exactly what I was afraid of.

"My Baba, I don't know where you heard that from, I always have time for you" I replied.

"But now I have to share my baby girl with some other ugly guy" he laughed.

"Baba, I'll always be your baby girl" I said to him.

"Do you want it soon? Or until you're done with school?" he asked, seriously this time.

I was speechless, I'm too shy to actually reply him so I kept shut.

"After graduating it is then" he said.

"Okay Baba" I agreed. He knew me so well.

"su KK har da wai kunya" he joked.

"Baba" I whined.

"okay, okay. I'll speak to you later. Bye, I love you"

"My regards to my Mufida. I love you too" I said and hung up.

Do I really want to do this?

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