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Khalifa got up early to make breakfast for his wife. He wanted to make it a tradition for him to cook breakfast and serve her in bed on the weekends.

He appreciates the way she cooked him both breakfast and lunch every morning.

The oats was cooling off when he finished with the fruits. He made himself a cup of coffee and some vegetable sandwiches.
He knocked on her room door but didn't get an answer. He pushed the door open only to see her dozing off in bed.
He chuckled at how her lips were slightly open and soft snores came from it. Karima would never agree that she snores.

He went towards the windows and opened the curtains.
"Rise and shine baby girl" he said as she squinted her eyes due to the sudden brightness.

"What time is it?" She mumbled trying to stretch.

"Past nine" he shrugged.

"Are you nuts? Today is Saturday, please let me rest Khalifa" she groaned trying to cover her face with the duvet but Khalifa dragged it.

"Sorry, I can't. I kind of promised some people I'd have lunch with them before they left the country, their flight is by five" he informed.

"Yeah? What has that got to do with me? Go on your lunch date. I'm happy with my bed" she laid back down on the bed.

"Babe, I promised we'd both be there plus I'm sure you'd be happy to see them"

Karima groaned.

"Oops, I almost forgot. Let's have breakfast" he picked up the wide tray from corner table and placed it on the bed while she scooted a little so there's space for him to also sit.

"Awwww. You made breakfast? I'll refer to my previous comment. I didn't peg you as a romantic person" she giggled.

"You'd be shocked at how good I am" he smiled before taking a swig of his coffee.

Karima was dressed in a navy blue abaya while Khalifa matched with a navy blue shirt and black jeans.

"Are you kidding me" he grinned when he saw her.
"You sure you didn't peep in my room while I was dressing?" She laughed.

He rolled his eyes and went ahead while she followed behind him dutifully.

"Let me drive please" karima begged.

"Let you drive my range? You're nuts" he laughed as he got into the drivers seat.

"Oh? Then have your lunch date alone." She folded her arms not making a move to go near the car.

"Okay. But promise me you'll be careful?"

She nodded gingerly and gracefully took his seat while he rounded the other side and got in the car.

Karima intentionally reversed on full speed.

"Ya ilahi! Do you plan on killing us" he asked when She suddenly pressed the brakes.

She smiled at him.

Karima squealed getting almost everyone's attention when they entered the cafe.
"Adams" She ran over and hugged Adama.
Unshed tears glazed her eyes as the only other person who called her by that name has departed from the earth.
Adama stood up so they could hug properly
Only then did Karima notice her big stomach.

"Ya ilahi! This baby looks like it's going to pop out right now. Oh Allah, is she giving you a hard time? Why did you bother coming out? You could have stayed at home and rested........."

"Okay, okay! Madam I-have-a-pregnant-sister. Didn't you see me? These days I feel I'm invisible" Ya Isah cut in.

"Oh? Maybe you should try getting pregnant. Having to waddle around like an overgrown penguin. But this time, it's twice the hassle" Adama grinned and both Khalifa and Karima's eyes went wide.

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