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Karima stared at Amatullah wide-eyed.

Amatullah grimaced. "Not him?" She asked timidly.
Karima shook her head in negation.

"Oh my God I'm really sorry, I didn't know. You refused to show me a picture of Mujahid" she apologised.

Abduljalal took this as his cue to leave.

"I told you he likes his privacy" Karima argued.

"You don't have a single picture together, nor do you have a picture of him? Isn't this enough red signals??" Amatullah asked, baffled.

"It's none of your business Ummu- Hanif. Please just go, you've done enough damage" Karima hissed.

Amatullah nodded and left wordlessly. Whatever she managed to tell Karima went in one ear and left through the other. It was sad that Karima couldn't see that everything was wrong in her relationship.

Karima stood up and went to find Uncle Khalifa. She saw him outside staring into space.

"Uncle Khalifa" she called and he turned to look at her with hurt eyes.
He'd messed up before and he really thought he could finally have her.

"Uhhm?" He answered.

"Our food is getting cold" she said.

"Oh. I was getting nauseated. What was your friend saying about a fiancee?" He asked with a tiny smile.

"Yeah, I met someone. And he's gone to see Abba last week. Abba said he's going to ask about him. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I was supposed to tell you today but Amatullah ruined it. I'm sorry" she apologised.

"No, no she didn't ruin it. I'm just surprised, I mean how long have you known this guy for? Isn't it too early?" He asked.

"I met him about four months ago. Uncle Khalifa it's just time, it doesn't determine how one feels for a person" she replied.

Karima was speaking utter rubbish and he knew it. Why can't she see and understand it?

"So you love him?" Khalifa asked quizzically.

"Um.... yeah, I think I do" she beamed.

"I call bullshit. You don't love him" he argued.

"Errr. Who are you to determine that?" She asked, getting riled up already.

Khalifa smiled at her.

"Let's just go home. Let me drop you off" he smiled and went back in.
I stepped out of the plane and inhaled the windy, dusty scent of Kano. I had no idea I missed home like this. The driver called to tell me where he was just after I've passed baggage claim.

We exchanged pleasantries and I sat wordlessly in the car.
Like the car ride from the restaurant to Ya Asa's house yesterday, the driver of this car didn't try making any conversation too and neither did I.

I entered the quiet house. It's already past five and I know that Mama would be in the kitchen.

What I didn't expect is to see Mufida and Muflihah cuddled up in the living room watching a horror movie.

"Hellooooo" I shouted and they both screamed in excitement before coming to crash land on me

"I thought you were supposed to be in school?" I directed to Muflihah.

"Ya KK were on midterm break. And I have a week more" she danced.

"What about you? Still indecisive?" I asked Mufida.

She rolled her eyes before running off shyly.
I turned to Muflihah for answers.

"Someone asked her hand in marriage and when Abba asked her which one she wanted to do, she said she wants to get married" Muflihah provided. My mouth went wide.

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