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Coming out of the classroom Karima let out a sigh. The sokoto sun was no good for her already caramel skin.

Looking around, she caught sight of Adama who was waving frantically at her. Karima let out a sigh of relief as she remembered Lara had gone home with her car. She quickly walked towards Adama and hugged her.

It was Friday and that's the first time she'd seen her all week.

"Adama. Where have you been?" Karima asked.

"Ya Isah came so........."She trailed off.

"He's around and he didn't come see Lara and I?" Karima asked in horror.

"No. He came for work and there ..........."

"Don't you dare cover up for him" Karima cut her off waving an accusing finger at her.

Adama held her hands up in surrender.

"So the reason I haven't been seeing you around is because you and my brother have been sneaking off?" Karima accused.

"He just comes to get me from school" Adama said wide-eyed.

Karima smirked. "I'll get back at you"
Adama chuckled.

"Get in the car let's go." Adama said to her.
Karima opened the passenger door and got it quietly. Anas' perfume consumed her nostrils and she squealed turning to the back seat.

Her eyes fell on the love of her life. "Anas!" she screamed.

He laughed. Clearly amused by her reaction.
"Oh. Nice to see you too" Ya Isah mused.

Karima felt embarrassed and hid her face in her hands.
"How was your journey?" she asked referring to both of them.

"It was fine. Alhamdulillah" they answered at the same time.

Adama got into the car and started laughing at Karima who was glaring at her.

"I'm sorry. It was their idea" she pointed at the guys at the back.

"No it wasn't" Ya Isah was the first to speak.
They all burst out laughing.

"Za a kai gaisuwa. That's why I'm here" Ya Isah spoke while Adama avoided everyone's gaze.

"Be good to me. Or I wouldn't give my approval" Anas said.

"Be good to me or my brother will change his mind" Karima countered.

Anas' eyes went wide.

"Be good to me, or I wouldn't give my approval to you either" Ya Isah said making Karima shy away also.

The guys started laughing. "All you guys can do is talk. Small thing you're all blushing" Anas said.

"No we weren't" Adama countered.

"No one asked you. Mrs. Isah" he smirked.
Adama hid her face while Karima and Anas laughed.

"Next person to laugh at my baby gets out of our car" he said.

Karima wanted to say something but seeing as even Anas kept quiet, she held back her words.

Adama smirked at her as she pulled up in front of her house.
Adama stayed off campus while Lara and Karima stayed in the hostel.

Karima sighted Lara's car and it was still on.
"This girl that said she wanted to get something from town" she muttered.

Karima walked off in the direction of the car and pulled the drivers door open. She gasped on seeing Lara and Abdallah in the car.

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