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Khalifa quickly sat down next to her. "Babe, you're beautiful, you're an amazing cook and I can't get what you gave me out of my mind. You're the most amazing woman on earth. I have loved you since the beginning and I don't think I'll ever stop. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting when we got married and I'll completely understand if you never forgive me but I'll spend this lifetime begging for your forgiveness. What we had yesterday, was the best thing that has ever happened to me since marrying you.

I love you with everything that I am. I know and appreciate the sacrifices you've made for me KK. Any other woman would have left me after the way I treated you but you didn't, that is reason enough for me to love you even more. I want to do right by you Babe. I want you to love me as much as I love you but that isn't possible.

I'm sorry if I've made you feel low of yourself or if I made you insecure. You're the strongest woman ever, the love of my life and the apple of my eyes. Please baby, don't ever say something like that again, okay?"

Karima was stunned. Never has a man, even Anas ever told her what was on his mind like Khalifa had done. And his sins were just washed away from her heart with every word, phrase or sentence. She felt over the moon and almost jumped in his arms. But she didn't want to give in easily.

"If you love me as you say, forgive your mother. Please" she begged.

"Karima I've forgiven her, I just don't want her around me"

"Khalifa, what if we have a baby, and you do something wrong to him. Then he goes on to ignore your very existence. How would you feel?" She asked.

She pulled the sheets off her and went into the bathroom to take yet another bath.

Khalifa sat on the bed for a while thinking about what his wife had just told him. It's been so long. The least he could do is try and besides, he still has to prove his love to his wife. He took a bottle of water and gulped it in one go before going down the stairs to attempt rekindling with his mother.
Karima was sitting on a chair in her favorite eatery. This was the place she and Anas frequented whenever he was in Kano. She never came back after his death.

She sat there wondering why she was there when Anas walked into the space. He beamed at her before coming to sit opposite her.

"Anas. Oh ya Allah" she said as she stood up abruptly.

"Hey baby" he greeted. Tears spilled from her eyes because she has waited to hear those words for so long.

"Anas. I'm so sorry" she apologized.

He smiled. "For what baby? I'm happy where I am. There's this beautiful garden and I met Ihsan again" he smiled. He looked content.

Karima couldn't help but smile. "I married Khalifa" she told him.

"I know. I'm sorry i left you so soon. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm sorry I gave you the responsibility of praying for me and taking care of my mom. I'm sorry we never got to have our honeymoon.Im sorry I haven't been there for you. You found someone better though, Khalifa loves you; he always has, you're the love of his life. I don't know why you couldn't see that. It's time for you to let go of me Karima." He spoke slowly. Not even once did this eyes leave hers.

Karima sobbed. "I don't want you to leave" she cried.

"But I already left Baby. I'm okay and I'm happy. I'm also happy for you. I hope you are too. Our love was beautiful " He reached over and held her hands on the table. " And I will always love you okay? Goodbye baby, be happy. Thank you for loving me despite everything " Anas smiled. Oh how she missed that smile.

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