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This chapter is for mmmmmmmmnnnhh thank you for your comments and votes ♥


My phone rang and I quickly picked it up.


"Hi babe. I'm outside. Should I come in with the groom? Or you'd prefer to have some alone time with me?" Anas's voice came.

I have no plans of seeing uncle Khalifa so I took the second option.

"Where are you going?" Ya Kubra asked when I picked up my bag.

"Anas is waiting for me?" I said, more like asked.

"Oh no you don't. You don't get to run off on your sister on her wedding. Borrow me your phone" she pushed out her hand. I passed it to her.

"Really Kreem? You saved his number as Anas? The guy is already yours by the snap of your fingers. I must have taught you better" she shook her head at me.

She edited the name before dialing his number.

"Haba Anas. How can you do this? You won't even let her stay for some pictures before going? You need to snap some pictures too. This is my big day" she ranted. She was talking as if he were my husband or he owned me.

"Awww. Thank you! I can see why Kareema is smitten" Ya Kubra laughed into the phone.

"Yeah Lara is here.........here" she passed the phone to Lara and I rolled my eyes.

Remind me why these kind of people are around me?

"Babe. Looks like there is a change of plan" He breathed immediately I put the phone on my ear.

"You gave me options Anas" I whined.

"I understand that you want me all to yourself but you'd have to share me with some people" he joked.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright Anas. Do what you want" I said.

"Adams is with me by the way. Wanna say Hi?" he asked.

"yeah sure" I answered totally unsure.

"Heyy" she screeched. I already smell fake energy.

"Hi Adama, my name is Kareema and I'm your brother's friend" I introduced myself.

She laughed. A genuine one.
"I'm just his sister, not Ummi" she said and I let out a breath.

"Thank God you get how awkward this feels" I breathed and laughed.

"See you in a few" she said.

"What did you tell my sister?"Anas asked.

"No need to waste credit, we'll talk when you come"

"Baby life is short. We should talk when we've been given the chance to" he said.

He's already calling me baby. My heart warmed.

"Just enter the house Anas" I rolled my eyes.

"You guys are so cute" Ya Kubra said dreamily and I smiled. If only she knew how I desperately want her husband. She'd not say a word.

I smiled and scooted closer to Lara
"How's Abdullahi?" I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked giving her full attention.

"We were together yesterday and his phone rang. He almost fell out of the car to answer the call, he didn't want me to hear who he was talking to. You are right. I shouldn't have jumped into it"

"No. Lara, you should know by now you shouldn't always listen to me. I just said those things judging from my past experience" I told her she smiled sadly.

She was about to say something when her phone vibrated. She cut the call and hissed. I snatched the phone from her only to see Abdullahi calling, I quickly answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Lara listen to me. I'm sorry okay? You haven't been picking my calls all morning and I need to see you. I'm leaving later, please talk to me. Please" he begged and I passed the phone to Lara.

"Lara please talk to me? I'm sorry. Forgive me please" he begged. I mouthed 'please talk to him' . She eyed me and spoke "Where are you?" she asked in a bored tone.

"Alhamdulillah" he said letting out a breath. "We're about to come in. You'll come down right?" he asked.

"Yeah" she replied curtly. And cut the call.

I shook my head at her. "Drama queen. Ana so ana kaiwa kasuwa." I hissed.

"it's you that knows what you're saying" she brought out her nude lipstick and touched it on her lips.

I laughed at her as we went down holding the bride.
"I thought you were angry at him" I asked Lara and she rolled her eyes .

"You said I should hear his end of the story" she beamed, beating me at my own game.

"Shhhh. I'm a nervous wreck" Ya Kubra chirped and we kept mum.

We got to the living room and the greetings began. The few older women there were yodelling or yelling praises at the groom while his lips carried a huge smile. He looked handsome clad in white getzner that glistened with every step. I closed my eyes for a second and re-opened them. This time, they fell on my dark skinned prince. He grinned widely at me and I gave a small smile, I couldn't take my eyes off him. I haven't seen him in a babban riga yet and he looked like a groom himself.

Uncle Khalifa loudly cleared his throat and it got us out of our trance. The room burst into laughter and I hid my face behind Lara. 

"Hi" I heard and I turned around to meet Adama. Anas' sister. I knew because they had a striking resemblance.

I smiled widely "Hey. I'm Karima Sulaiman Galadima" I push forward my hand.

She laughed and pulled me for a hug. She looked my age.

"I've seen you around a few times" She said when we broke the hug.

"What? Where?" I asked confused. This is my first time seeing her.

"UDUS. We're in the same faculty but different departments" she informed and I marveled at her.

"I'm so sorry. I just run back home when ever I'm done with lectures. I haven't seen you before" I said and she laughed and shrugged.

"It's deeper than you know" She said and I raised my eyebrows. She waved it off and I pulled Lara to my side.

"This is my best friend Lara. Lara, this is Anas' sister" I introduced and Lara hugged her.

Definitely getting along.

"Miss me babe?" Anas came up behind me.

I smiled widely at him. "Didn't tell me Adama went to UDUS" I looked accusingly at him as we found an unoccupied couch to sit in.

"Well, she wants to change, leave the country but Ummi and Abbi refused. I finished from UDUS too" he explained and I nodded.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" He said without skipping a beat.

"It's fine Anas. It's my fault, I said I'll think about it and I didn't " I shook my head.

"No no. It's not your fault, you literally met me yesterday and I tried pushing you into something I wanted. I'll give you time. All the time in the world, I'll wait for you habibty"


Anas manages to knock off all air in my lungs when he talks.

"I need a week" I said and his face lit up. "But in that week, I need to know all there is about you. I don't want to be surprised" I said and he chuckled.

"In Sha Allah babe. Thank you" He smiled and stood up.

"Let's join the pictures" he said and I followed behind him.

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