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Anas grinned when I got into the car with him.

He had just come to get us from the airport. Lara was cranky as usual, hissing and cussing.

"How was your flight baby?" Anas asked looking at me.
I beamed. "Fine, Alhamdulillah. Absolutely no qualms today" I laughed.

"You don't know what happened............" he then proceeded to tell me whatever happened today.
I swear Anas talks too much sometimes.

"Make a left here" Lara directed and soon we were in front of tall iron gates.

"I've been around here before. I didn't know your sister lived here" Anas said to Lara.

"Oh now you have my time" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry I only have eyes for one woman" Anas said smugly and I burst into laughter while Lara placed a palm over her mouth.

"Come inside?" I asked after he has removed our trolleys from the booth of his car.

"I have work........" he started but I cut him off.

"Go" I sneered and went into the house leaving him and Lara.

"We're here!" I screamed when I got to the bottom of the stairs.

I could hear shuffling before Captain appeared at the top of the stairs.

"You didn't call me to get you? How'd you get here? And where is Lara?" He asked wide eyed.

"Ummm........Anas came to get us from the airport and he's outside with Lara" I said.

"So it's love that brought you to my house" he smirked coming down the stairs.

"Captain!!" I gasped and he chuckled.

"Your sister is upstairs. She's taking a bath" he motioned and I went upstairs while he made for the door.

"Ya Asa" I sang going into the room.

"Kareema?" she asked before squealing and pulling me into a hug.

"You didn't call Captain to come get you? Why?" she asked and I chuckled.

"Anas brought us. He's outside with captain and Lara" I explained.

She half ran to her closet and brought out an ankle length hijab and wore it.

"Did you invite him in?" She asked going for the door.

"Errrrrrrr. No?"

"Are you kidding K? He took the time and effort to get you guys from the airport and you didn't even invite him in for water? Is this how you're going to get married?" she hissed and shook her head before going out.

Her elder sister button has been flipped.

I came downstairs to find Anas on the dining table eating spaghetti and meatballs and laughing with Captain.

Lara and Ya Asa each had a frown on their faces and I could only guess Captain and Anas made fun of them.

I found a chair next to Lara and sat down. I could feel Anas' eyes on me the whole time.

"What did I miss?" I asked in a monotone.

"Captain thinks Lara and I have the same voice and your boyfriend agreed to it. Lara's voice is squeaky and I don't have a squeaky voice!" Ya Asa exclaimed.

I burst into laughter. Lara indeed had a squeaky voice but it was not as squeaky as everyone explained it.

"Oh! You're with them too?" Lara frowned at me.

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